


We use a joint self-supervised method to estimate the three geometric elements, depth , optical flow, and ego-motion. Compared with other joint self-supervised methods like EPC++, CC, we achieved more precise results in KITTI dataset.

pose evaluation

method kitti seq.09(mean ± std) kitti seq.10(mean ± std)
CC 0.012 ± 0.007 0.012 ± 0.008
EPC++ M 0.012 ± 0.007 0.013 ± 0.008
GLNet 0.011 ± 0.006 0.011 ± 0.009
Ours 0.0098 ± 0.0059 0.0090 ± 0.0074

optical flow evaluation

method kitti2012 train kitti2012 test kitti2015 train kitti2015 test
CC-ft - - 5.66 25.27%
EPC++ 2.3 2.6 5.84 21.56%
GLNet - - 8.35 -
Ours 1.97 2.2 5.66 19.48%

depth evaluation (on kitti eigen split)

method Abs Rel Sq Rel RMSE RMSE log
CC 0.140 1.070 5.326 0.217
EPC++ 0.141 1.029 5.350 0.216
GLNet 0.135 1.070 5.230 0.210
Ours 0.138 0.970 5.460 0.231


The code is based on Python3.6. You could use either virtualenv or conda to setup a specified environment. And then run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Prepare data:

  1. Download KITTI raw dataset using the script provided on the official website. You also need to download KITTI 2015 dataset to evaluate the predicted optical flow, and KITTI Odometry to evaluate the pose.


  1. Modify the configuration file in the ./config directory to set up your path. The config file contains the important paths and default hyper-parameters used in the training process.
1. python --config_file ./config/kitti_geom.yaml --gpu [gpu_id] --mode flow --prepared_save_dir [name_of_your_prepared_dataset] --model_dir [your/directory/to/save/training/models]
2. python --config_file ./config/kitti_geom.yaml --gpu [gpu_id] --mode depth --prepared_save_dir [name_of_your_prepared_dataset] --model_dir [your/directory/to/save/training/models]
3. python --config_file ./config/kitti_geom.yaml --gpu [gpu_id] --mode geom --flow_pretrained_model [your/file/to/save/training/models/flow_weights] --depth_pretrained_model [your/file/to/save/training/models/depth_weights] --prepared_save_dir [name_of_your_prepared_dataset] --model_dir [your/directory/to/save/training/models]

If you are running experiments on the dataset for the first time, it would first process data and save in the [prepared_base_dir] path defined in your config file.


the network weights after training on kitti raw data is here

  1. To evaluate the optical flow estimation on KITTI 2015 and KITTI 2012, run:
python --config_file ./config/kitti_geom.yaml --gpu [gpu_id] --mode geom --task [kitti_flow_2015/kitti_flow_2012] --pretrained_model [path/to/your/model]
  1. To evaluate the depth estimation on KITTI eigen split, run:
python --config_file ./config/kitti_geom.yaml --gpu [gpu_id] --mode geom --task kitti_depth --pretrained_model [path/to/your/model]
  1. To evaluate the pose estimation on KITTI Odometry, run:
python --config_file ./config/kitti_geom.yaml --gpu [gpu_id] --mode geom --task kitti_pose --pretrained_model [path/to/your/model]


We implemented our idea based on TrainFlow