
Object Recognition using Object Recognintion Kitchen at UW

Object Recognition using ORK at University of Washington

UW ORK is required to run the object recognition applications in this package. 
UW ORK is the latest dev version of ORK 
(Object Recognition Kitchen http://wg-perception.github.io/object_recognition_core/) 
with a forked tabletop package with some customized pipelines and sinks.

To install UW_ORK:

mkdir uw_ork && cd uw_ork
wstool init src https://raw.github.com/jiang0131/uw_object_recognition/master/uw_ork.rosinstall
cd src && wstool update -j8
cd .. && rosdep install --from-paths src -i -y
source devel/setup.bash

Add the last line to $HOME/.bashrc to overlay this workspace automatically.