
Automatic ultrasound scan for vascular tissue. Codes are verified in the environment:

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • ROS melodic
  • KUKA LBR IIWA R800/R820 (7/14 Kg)


This repo includes implementation of vessel simulator, modified UNet and all corresponding ROS nodes.

Folder/File Description
matlab/simGeo_pc2_vis Simulate a virual vessel in space, calculate and publish the vessel cross section points in PointCloud2 format.
matlab/opt_grad.m Use matlab symbolic toolbox to find gradients of the objective function.
matlab/experiment Scripts for result analysis
network/modules Implementation of UNet archtecture, loss function, and dataset constructor.
network/mkDataSet.py Create dataset from multiple image sets.
network/train_eval.ipynb Training script
plugin_ws ImFusion Plugins: Send Cephasonics image streams via ROS topic.
ws/src/iiwa_tools Modified robot description with tool link.
ws/src/iiwa_bringup 1. Set tool link 2. Upload robot description 3. Transform /iiwa/state/JointPositionVelocity into /joint_states
ws/src/us_controller Calculate target pose according to vessel direction vector.
ws/src/us_image_processing/src/igtl_read_node Transform openIGTLink message to ROS messages.
ws/src/us_image_processing/src/image_processing_node_vanilla Deploy UNet for vessel segmentation.
ws/src/us_image_processing/src/estimator_node Implementation of the proposed optimization problem.



Install iiwa_stack https://github.com/IFL-CAMP/iiwa_stack. Source the workspace.


The optimizer is dependent on NLopt https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/. Please follow the instruction to install the library in default location.


To compile igtl_read_node, OpenIGTLink library is necessary. Please build from source! https://github.com/openigtlink/OpenIGTLink. Compile with:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

The compile flag of us_image_processing OpenIGTLink_DIR should be set to the build directory. eg. By default, it is set with

set(OpenIGTLink_DIR $ENV{HOME}/.local/OpenIGTLink/build)


cd <project path>/ws


  1. Setup Ultrasound system, make the ros topic of US images available.
  2. Setup the following configuration files according to your system:
    • us_image_processing/launch/config.yaml
    • us_controller/launch/config.yaml
  3. Setup network paths in file ws/src/us_image_processing/src/image_processing_node_vanilla line 15,60
  4. Launch ROS nodes in the following sequence:

(in separate terminals)

roslaunch iiwa_bringup iiwa_bringup.launch
roslaunch us_image_processing  image_processing.launch
roslaunch us_controller us_controller.launch

Call the service according to your initialization method: Go to the pre-defined initial pose:

rosservice call /start "data: true"

Initial pose is already reached (eg. init. by hand guide mode):

rosservice call /start "data: false"

Run the estimator:

rosrun us_image_processing estimator_node


(in separate terminals)

roslaunch iiwa_gazebo iiwa_gazebo_with_sunrise.launch

Wait until gazebo is ready. In Matlab: Launch /matlab/simGeo_pc2_vis/us_image_ros.m

roslaunch us_image_processing  image_processing.launch
roslaunch us_controller us_controller.launch

Call the service according to your initialization method: Go to the pre-defined initial pose:

rosservice call /start "data: true"

Initial pose is already reached (eg. init. by black magic):

rosservice call /start "data: false"

Run the estimator:

rosrun us_image_processing estimator_node