Oz CheatSheet
Basics of the Oz language.
The listing sheet, as PDF, can be found here, or as a single column portrait, while below is an unruly html rendition.
This reference sheet is built from a CheatSheets with Org-mode system.
Oz provides the harmonious support for many paradigms; e.g., OOP, FP, Logic, concurrent and networked. Moreover, every entity in Oz is first-class; e.g., classes, threads, and methods.
- Oz is a dynamically typed language, but strongly so:
No coversions are performed; e.g., condition
5.0 = 5
raises an exception. - It is strong in that
Download & install prebuilt binary.
# Ubuntu:
wget https://github.com/mozart/mozart2/releases/download/v2.0.1/mozart2-2.0.1-x86_64-linux.deb
sudo apt install ./mozart2-2.0.1-x86_64-linux.deb
# Mac OS:
brew tap dskecse/tap
brew cask install mozart2
Emacs setup —trying to accommodate Ubuntu and Mac OS.
;; C-h o system-type ⇒ See possible values.
;; darwin ⇒ Mac OS
(setq my-mozart-elisp
(pcase system-type
('gnu/linux "/usr/share/mozart/elisp")
('darwin "/Applications/Mozart2.app/Contents/Resources/share/mozart/elisp")))
;; Mac OS needs to know the location.
(add-to-list 'exec-path "/Applications/Mozart2.app/Contents/Resources/")
(when (file-directory-p my-mozart-elisp)
(add-to-list 'load-path my-mozart-elisp)
(load "mozart")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.oz\\'" . oz-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ozg\\'" . oz-gump-mode))
(autoload 'run-oz "oz" "" t)
(autoload 'oz-mode "oz" "" t)
(autoload 'oz-gump-mode "oz" "" t)
(autoload 'oz-new-buffer "oz" "" t))
;; oz-mode annoyingly remaps C-x SPC, so we must undo that.
(eval-after-load "oz-mode"
'(define-key oz-mode-map (kbd "C-x SPC") 'rectangle-mark-mode))
;; Org-mode setup for Oz; the Oz browser needs output.
(require 'ob-oz)
(setq org-babel-default-header-args:oz '((:results . "output")))
In an Emacs org-mode source block, executing the following brings up an Oz window —as desired.
declare X = 12
{Browse X}
All subsequent calls to ~Browse~ will output to the same window, unless it’s closed.
Instead, we may use Show
and have output rendered in the Emacs buffer *Oz Emulator*
{Show 'Hello World'}
- Oz
- The programming language at hand.
- Mozart
- The implementation of Oz.
- The Oz Programming Interface, “OPI”, which is built-around Emacs.
Names that begin with a capital letter; a declare
close affects all following occurrences and so is ‘global’.
declare V = 1
{Show V} % ⇒ 1
declare V = 2
{Show V} % ⇒ 2
One may also make local declarations; e.g., local X Y Z in S end
Function application is written {F X₁ … Xₙ}
—without parenthesis!
- This approach is inherited from Lisp.
- The last expression in the function body is its “return value”, unless declared otherwise.
- If you write
you will obtain aillegal record label
error sinceF
is a function name, not a literal. - Use parenthesis only on compound expressions, which is seldom needed since infix operators bind strongest.
declare fun {Fact Bop N} if N == 0 then 1 else {Bop N {Fact Bop N - 1}} end end
declare fun {Mult X Y} X * Y end
{Show {Fact Mult 5}} % ⇒ 120
% Using an anonymous function.
{Show {Fact fun {$ X Y} X + Y end 5}} % ⇒ 6
% Two ways to invoke a function.
{Show {Mult 5 6}} % ⇒ 30
local X in {Mult 2 3 X} {Show X} end % ⇒ 6
% Erroenous calls: {Mult 5 (99)} {Mult (5) 99}
% The following are eqiuvalent: Infix operators bind strongest!
{Show {Mult 5 99}}
{Show {Mult 2 + 3 9 * 11}}
F = fun {$ X₁ … Xₙ} S end ≈ fun {F X₁ … Xₙ} S end |
- Procedure equality is based on names.
- Mutually declared functions are declared like normal functions.
“Procedure invocation style”:
R = {F X₁ … Xₙ} ≈ {F X₁ … Xₙ R} |
Literals are symbolic entities that have no internal structure; e.g., hello
- There are also ‘names’, which are guaranteed to be worldwide unique.
{NewName X}
is the only way to create a name and assign it toX
.- Names cannot be printed.
local X Y B in
X = foo
{NewName Y}
B = true
{Show [X Y B]} % ⇒ [foo <OptName> true]
Records —Hashes & Tuples
A tuple is a literal that has data with it —the literal is then referred to as
the “label”.
If T
is a tuple of T.i
is item
declare J
J = jasim('Farm' 12 neato) % Tuple of three values
{Show J} % ⇒ jasim('Farm' 12 neato)
{Show J.2} % ⇒ 12
A record is a tuple where the projections T.i
are not numbers
but are stated explicitly —and called “features”. This is also known as a “hash”,
where the projections are called “keys”.
declare J = jasim(work: 'Farm' family:12 title: myman)
{Show J} % ⇒ jasim(family:12 title:myman work:'Farm')
{Show J.family} % ⇒ 12
This approach is inherited from Prolog.
Tuples are also known as terms; everything can be thought of as a term. E.g., we can make trees using terms:
declare G = grandparent(dad(child1 child2) uncle(onlycousin) scar)
{Show G.1.1} % ⇒ child1
{Show {Value.'.' G 1}} % ⇒ dad(child1 child2)
% {Show G.nope} % ⇒ Crashes since “G” has no “nope” feature
% {CondSelect R f d X} ⇒ X = if R has feature f then R.f else d end
local X in {CondSelect G nope 144 X} {Show X} end % ⇒ 144
% {AdjoinAt R f v R′} ⇒ R′ is a copy of R additionally with R′.f = v
% This is an “update” if R.f exists, and otherwise is a new feature.
local H in {AdjoinAt G nope 169 H} {Show H.nope} end % ⇒ 169
Remember: Commas are useless! |
- Since everything in Oz is first-class, we have
r.p ≈ {Value.'.' r p}
. - Here is the library of methods for working with records.
- Which includes folds on records!
{Arity R X}
the list of features thatR
A standard tuple former name is ~’#’~, and it may be used infix by dropping the quotes.
{Show 1#2#3} % ⇒ 1#2#3
{Show '#'(1 2 3)} % ⇒ 1#2#3
{Show '#'()} % ⇒ '#', empty tuple
{Show '#'(1)} % ⇒ '#'(1), singleton tuple
Likewise, lists are just tuples, which are just records having label ~’|’~.
Pattern Matching
Besides projections, record.feature
, we may decompose a record along its “pattern”.
Below, taking binary trees to have a value and two children, we declare three names Val, L, R
by decomposing the shape of the input Tree
fun {GetValue Tree}
local tree(Val L R) = Tree in Val end
{Show {GetValue tree(1 nil nil)}} % ⇒ 1
% {Show {GetValue illFormed}} % ⇒ Crashes: Cannot match tree pattern.
We may also perform explicit pattern-matching, which implicitly introduces names.
local T = person(jasim farm 12) in
case T
of tree(X Y Z) then {Show Y}
[] person(X Y Z) then {Show X}
else {Show 'I’m so lost'}
end end
We may omit the else
and any []
-alternative clauses, but may encounter an exception if all matches fail.
In which case, we could enclose the dangerous call in try ⋯ catch _ then ⋯ end
to ignore an exception
and continue doing something else.
Oz supports heterogeneous lists.
- Lists are just tuples —whence projections 1 and 2!
% Lists items seperated by a space.
declare L = ['a' 2.8 "3" four]
% Projection functions “head” and “tail”
{Show L.1} % ⇒ a
{Show L.2} % ⇒ [2.8 [51] four] ; strings are lists of ascii chars
% Lists are constructed using |, “cons”.
{Show 'x'|2|'z'|nil } % ⇒ ['x' 2 'z']
% Decompose L into the “pattern” X|Y|Tail
case L of X|Y|Tail then {Show Y} end % ⇒ 2
% Lists may also be written in prefix, or ‘record’, form.
{Show '|'(1 '|'(2 nil))} % ⇒ [1 2]
% Example higher-order function on lists
fun {Map XS F}
case XS of nil then nil
[] X|Xr then {F X}|{Map Xr F} end end
{Show {Map [1 2 3 4] fun {$X} X*X end}} % ⇒ [1 4 9 16]
Lazy Evaluation
Demand-driven: Get as much input as needed to make progress.
- Mark functions using the
declare fun lazy {Ints N} N|{Ints N + 1} end
case {Ints 3} of X|Y|More then {Show X + Y} end % ⇒ X = 3, Y = 4 ⇒ 7
‘=’ is Unification, or ‘incremental tell’
Operationally X = Y
behaves as follows:
- If either is unbound, assign it to the other one.
- Otherwise, they are both terms.
- Suppose
$X ≈ f(e₁ … eₙ)$ and$Y ≈ g(d₁ … dₘ)$ . - If
is different fromg
, orn
different fromm
, then crash. - Recursively perform
eᵢ = dᵢ
- Suppose
“Unification lets us solve equations!” |
local X Y in
% Fact: We know that Jasim loves kalthum
Y = loves(jasim kalthum)
% Query: Who is loved by Jasim?
loves(jasim X) = loves(jasim kalthum)
{Show X} % ⇒ kalthum
This is why Oz variables are single assignment!
For Boolean equality, one uses ==
or, alternatively,
{Value.'==' X Y R}
to set R
to be true if X ≈ Y
and false otherwise.
Likewise, for other infix relations \=, =<, <, >=, >
and lazy infix connectives andthen
and orthen
Here’s another example; “wildcard” _
is used to match anything
—so-called “anonymous variable”.
declare Second L
[a b c] = L
L = [_ Second _]
{Show Second} % ⇒ b
Whence, pattern matching is unification! |
Unification is the primary method of computation in Prolog.
Control Flow
- Empty
: Do nothing. - Sequencing
S₁ S₂
: ExecuteS₁
.- A single whitespace suffices to sequence two statements.
local X Y in skip X = 1 Y = 2 end
- Conditional
if B then S₁ else Sₑ end
: Usual conditional ifB
is Boolean; crash otherwise.% Contraction if B₁ then S₁ else if B₂ then S₂ else S₃ end end ≈ if B₁ then S₁ elseif B₂ then S₂ else S₃ end % No “else” if B then S end ≈ if B then S else skip end
Here’s a for-loop for printing the first 10 natural numbers —c.f.
local [From To Step DoTheThing] = [0 9 1 Show]
in {For From To Step DoTheThing} end
Mutable State
declare C
% Create a memory cell with an initial value
C = {NewCell 0}
% Access the value using “@”.
{Show C} % ⇒ <Cell>
{Show @C} % ⇒ 0
% Update using “:=”.
C := @C + 1
{Show @C} % ⇒ 1
- Class
- A record consisting of method names and attributes.
- Object
- A record consisting of a class and a private function from the class’ names to values.
denotes calling the private function ofobj
with namemethod
See here for examples.
- Oz Standard Library
- Oz Demo —a brief & friendly introduction to Oz
- First Steps in Oz
- Tutorial of Oz —slightly outdated but a very useful read
- A review of Oz and its implementation with Mozart —terse & accessible 7 page read
- Logic Programming in Oz with Mozart —explains how to do Prolog-like programming in Oz