
Primary LanguagePython

Front End Design


  1. Run back-end inference
  2. Start front-end server
$ python3 front_end/image_upload/manage.py runserver
  1. Address for upload image: Image Upload

After successfully upload, it will redirect to another page to show information.

Address for display images: People Image

ps: For remove all images,

$ cd front_end/image_upload/media/images
$ rm *

Then we need to rebuild the local database

$ rm front_end/image_upload/db.sqlite3
$ python3 front_end/image_upload/manage.py makemigrations
$ python3 front_end/image_upload/manage.py migrate


finished. But terrifying


  • User manual needed
  • Delete useless lines
  • Store and display image locally
  • Retrieve image from response
  • Fixing bugs at back-end, re-test
  • Transfer local data into Database
  • Call API functions