I was informed with some bugs when other people run this code package with different versions of MATLAB, which I am not able to debug and update them timely, but will be listed here:
- Error using datetime: 'Inputformat' should be specified:'yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm:ss' when the datetime function is called.
- It is a MATLAB script package for transferring magnetotelluric (MT) time series (TS) to the format the SSMT2000 package can process.
- Look at the TBLpar.m and TBL_Replace.m files before running the main function MT_Trans.m.
- adding this package to your MATLAB's PATH
- copying the TBL_Replace.m file to your work direcrion.
- opening TBL_Replace.m file and editing the parameters in this file. Note that it is your responsibility to edit the TBLpar.m and TBL_Replace.m and make sure that all the parameters in these two files are correct and match your measurements.
- running the main function MT_Trans.m without any input.
- *.CLC and *.CLB files are needed to process the output data from this package.
- Signals with frequencis above 5 Hz have been removed at default by the 'filter_mt.m'.
Copyright 2023 Feng Jiang (South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS).
This package is free to use under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
- Part of the scripts was originally written by Mingren Hong (CUG,BJ) on the Shiyan 6 ship of the 2022 marine geophysical cruise. I would like to thank him and the research group leaded by Kai Chen (CUG,BJ).
- The script function_butter_filter_2018 is shared by Yongxin Gao (HeFei University of Technology).