A collection of tools for cryo-EM analysis of helical structures.
Run this command in a terminal:
pip install "helicon[all] @ git+https://github.com/jianglab/helicon"
Reconstrct the helical 3D volume from a single 2D image
Interactive webapp for helical indexing in fourier space
Previously named HLM (https://github.com/smallelephant9516/HLM), use the language model to classify different types of filaments after 2D classification
Estimating the Pitch of the helical structure (especially the low twist amyloid) from distance of the same 2D class assigned to the same filaments.
Operation on the .star meta files
Estimating the amino acid sequence from the 3D density of the amyloid structure.
Run this command in a terminal and follow the help message:
helicon --help
Helicon is at a very early stage of development, and we are releasing it to promote open science. However, it might be very unstable/buggy, and the support will be very limited.