In this project, I'm trying to mount the Remix application on Hono and run it on Vite on Cloudflare Pages Hono has a custom Vite dev server, so if you run your Hono application on it and import the Remix Virtual Module, it should work. thanks to Yusuke Wada
remix is so good framework for web development
when I use remix on cloudflare pages, remix on cloudflare pages it has some question for me.
- how to access assets ,such as favicon.ico ,css,js ,logo images
- when remix start use cloudflare stack like kv ,r2 ,d1 ,is must use wranger dev tools, remix vite:build && wranger dev pages
- how to use seesion
- how to use cloudflare api
and then I build this project and deploy to cloudflare pages
- use remix on cloudflare pages
- use hono on cloudflare pages base on hono-and-remix-on-vite
- use vite when local development use cloudflareDevProxyVitePlugin
- use cloudflare stack like kv ,r2 ,d1 in both remix and hono
- use kv to store session
some issue
- pages is not support triggers cron, even if you add [triggers] in wranger.toml, it is not work
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