
Primary LanguageC++


Required code library


The installation steps can be found at the following link : charm-crypto


The kn in ss_xor_encrypt.cc and ss_xor_decrypt.cc is the order of the XOR matrix, that is, the value of m. N is the number of ones.
!!!!!!!!!When you want to change m and the corresponding matrix, you need to replace kn, a[kn][kn] in the two files and the value m in the t.py.
The a[kn][kn] matrix in encrypt.cc is the inverse of which in the decrypt.cc. For the convenience of matrix find, decrypt.cc's decryption matrix is taken from the upper triangular matrix by various column transformation. The determinant of both matrices is 1 or -1, and the decryption matrix has to make sure that a centain columns are all 1. We have built several a[kn][kn] matrices for fixed m and N into encrypt.cc and decrypt.cc for testing purposes.


  1. Generate a block of a certain block size that you want to test in the project folder
    dd if=/dev/zero of=b.txt bs=1M count=50
    and we set this block named b.txt,blocksize=bs * count.
  2. Modify source file
    For different experiment purpose, we can set diffrent m and a[kn][kn]. In the t.py, The value m can be set in the asterisk part. As the same, the value kn which is equal to m can be set in the ss_xor_encrypt.cc and ss.xor_decrypt.cc. In the two files, the eachLen = block size / m, and then change the a[kn][kn] in the middle part. Note that the dimension of a[kn][kn] must be equal to m.
  3. Algorithm test
    1).Compile cc file
    2)Perform xor encryption
    Record the total encryption time.
    3)Perform xor decryption
    Record the total decryption time.
    4)Ramdamly select an anchor, encrypt and decrypt it and then record the time
    python t.py
    5)Process the data in the previous step

And then you can get the data in the file Record.out.