
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Hexo NexT PWA



yarn add @jiangtj/hexo-next-pwa


  • hexo version require >= 5.0
  • not work in hexo s, please exec hexo g and serve public dir by other tool (e.g. serve public)


I added some default configurations, see default.yaml or my blog configuration

  # Generate manifest.json
    enable: true
    path: /manifest.json
    # See https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/Manifest
      # name: Blog
      # short_name: dnocm
      # lang: zh-CN
      # display: standalone
      # background_color: "#ecedee"
      # theme_color: "#414852"
      # icons:
      #   - src: /images/favicon-32.png
      #     sizes: 32x32
      #     type: image/png
      #   - src: /images/favicon-192.png
      #     sizes: 192x192
      #     type: image/png
      #   - src: /images/favicon-512.png
      #     sizes: 512x512
      #     type: image/png
  # Generate sw.js
    enable: true
    sw: /sw.js
    # add <script> if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {...}</script> to your html file
    addScript: true
    # auto exec hexo workbox after generate, If you customize generate, please set it to false
    wrapGenerate: true
      # see [the workbox-build's `generateSW()` API](https://developers.google.cn/web/tools/workbox/reference-docs/latest/module-workbox-build#.generateSW)


hexo workbox [-g]
  • -g: auto exec hexo generate before workbox build.

This is very useful. If you disable the wrapGenerate option, it allows you to directly generate sw.js, but you need to be aware that you need to execute hexo generate before.

Known issues

  • #57: In hexo g -d, pwa generate after deploy, please use hexo g && hexo d instead of hexo g -d


Difference from hexo-pwa

Initially, hexo-next-pwa was a fork of hexo-pwa, so you can see that they have similar options, but due to several revisions, the current hexo-next-pwa has been very different from hexo-pwa

Why is it publish in the @jiangtj scope?

In fact, I don’t know much about pwa. I doubt whether I can maintain this plugin. Anyway, my blog depends on it. In the short term, I don’t Will give up 😂.