PokeMon (Pocket Monster) RPG game in Android platform
Android Studio is recommended to build and run this project.
WiiPM is an RPG game in Android platform. In this game, you could obtain all 649 pocket monsters as partners. These captured pokemons are capable to accompany you in the journal to explore the huge game world and battle with other dangerous wild pokemons. In WiiPM, you and your partners, challenge 8 gym leaders and 4 elites and final strengthful tournament champion. The battle system in WiiPM observe all rules in 6th official pieces, including 559 moves, etc. Once you have mastered various battle skills, you would be the best trainer ever
This section is suitable for those who just want to know WiiPM but is not ready to reuse it. Check Introduction Video
WiiPM is an Idea Project, so just import an existing project if you using the Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA
Warning: WiiPM is only compatible with a mobile device with resolution ratio of 720p now
Announcement: Rights of all sprites and music resources of PokeMon used in WiiPM are reserved by the Game Freak Co. and Nintendo Co.