[deprecated] All main feature has been replaced by ApkToolBoxGUI: https://github.com/jiangxincode/ApkToolBoxGUI
- 本项目的目标是将常用的APK反编译相关的工具进行收集、整理,提供统一的shell接口,最终实现对 Android逆向助手、APKIDE、Android Multitool等闭源工具的完全替代。
- 本项目依赖apktool、Dex2Jar、jd-gui、AXMLPrinter3等工具,版权归原工具作者所有。
- 本项目欢迎大家共同修改。
0: common. [input] is a file
10: decompile apk using apktool. [input] is a file
11: build apk using apktool. [input] is a directory
20: decompression apk using 7zip. [input] is a file
30: convert dex to jar using dex2jar. [input] is a file
40: open jar using jd-gui. [input] is a file
50: align apk using zipalign. [input] is a file
60: decode AndroidManifest.xml using AXMLPrinter3. [input] is a file
70: get dump file using dexdump. [input] is a file
80: reate Jasmin-like source files from DEX files using dedexer. [input] is a file
90: sign the apk using signapk. [input] is a file
100: decompile the dex using baksmali. [input] is a file
110: compile the dex using smali. [input] is a directory
200: get the screenshot
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/jiangxincode/ApkToolBox.git
cd ApkToolBox
.\ApkToolBox.ps1 -help
for some version apks:
Dexdump: unsupported dex version (30 33 37 00) DeDexer: Value read:0x37; value expected:[0x36, 0x35, 0x33]