Inline file transfer using in-built Windows tools (DEBUG.exe
or PowerShell).
exe2hex encodes an executable binary file into ASCII text format.
The result then can be transferred to the target machine (It is much easier to echo a ASCII file than binary data).
Upon executing exe2hex's output file, the original program is restored by using DEBUG.exe
or PowerShell (which are pre-installed by default on Windows).
Binary EXE -> ASCII Text -> *Transfer* -> Binary EXE
- Input using a file (
-x /path/to/binary-program.exe
) or STDIN (-s
) - Output to BATch (
-b file.bat
) and/or PoSH (-p powershell.cmd
Create BATch & PowerShell files:
$ python3 -x /usr/share/windows-binaries/sbd.exe
[*] exe2hex v1.4
[i] Outputting to /root/sbd.bat (BATch) and /root/sbd.cmd (PoSh)
[+] Successfully wrote (BATch) /root/sbd.bat
[+] Successfully wrote (PoSh) /root/sbd.cmd
Compress the file before creating a BATch file:
$ ./ -x /usr/share/windows-binaries/nc.exe -b /var/www/html/nc.txt -cc
[*] exe2hex v1.4
[i] Attempting to clone and compress
[i] Creating temporary file /tmp/tmpll55q5u9
[+] Compression (strip) was successful! (0.0% saved)
[+] Compression (UPX) was successful! (50.9% saved)
[+] Successfully wrote (BATch) /var/www/html/nc.txt
Use STDIN to create BATch & PowerShell files:
$ cat /usr/share/windows-binaries/whoami.exe | python3 -s -b debug.bat -p ps.cmd
[*] exe2hex v1.4
[i] Reading from STDIN
[+] Successfully wrote (BATch) /root/debug.bat
[+] Successfully wrote (PoSh) /root/ps.cmd
$ python3
[*] exe2hex v1.4
Encodes an executable binary file into ASCII text format
Restore using DEBUG.exe (BATch - x86) or PowerShell (PoSh - x86/x64)
Quick Guide:
+ Input binary file with -s or -x
+ Output with -b and/or -p
$ /usr/bin/exe2hex -x /usr/share/windows-binaries/sbd.exe
$ /usr/bin/exe2hex -x /usr/share/windows-binaries/nc.exe -b /var/www/html/nc.txt -cc
$ cat /usr/share/windows-binaries/whoami.exe | /usr/bin/exe2hex -s -b debug.bat -p ps.cmd
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Usage: exe2hex [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-x EXE The EXE binary file to convert
-s Read from STDIN
-b BAT BAT output file (DEBUG.exe method - x86)
-p POSH PoSh output file (PowerShell method - x86/x64)
-e URL encode the output
-r TEXT pRefix - text to add before the command on each line
-f TEXT suFfix - text to add after the command on each line
-l INT Maximum HEX values per line
-c Clones and compress the file before converting (-cc for higher
-t Create a Expect file, to automate to Telnet session.
-v Enable verbose mode
(BATch mode --b
)- Supports x86 OSs (No x64 support).
- Useful for legacy versions of Windows (e.g. Windows XP/Windows 2000).
- Pre-installed by default. Works out of the box.
Limitation of 64k file size for binary programs.Creates multiple parts and joins withcopy /b
so this is not an issue anymore!
- PowerShell (PoSh mode -
)- Supports both x86 & x64 OSs.
- Aimed at more "recent" versions of Windows.
- PowerShell was first integrated into core OS with Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2.
- Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 & Windows Vista requires PowerShell to be pre-installed.
- This is not a
file (pure PowerShell). It only calls PowerShell at the end to convert.
Primary purpose: Convert a binary program into a ASCII HEX file which can be restored using in-built OS programs.
- Work on old and new versions of Windows without requiring any 3rd party programs to be pre-installed.
- Supports x86 & x64 OSs.
- Can use DEBUG.exe or PowerShell to restore the file.
- Able to compress the file before converting.
- URL encode the output.
- The option to add prefix and suffix text to each line.
- Able to set a maximum HEX length per line.
- Can use a binary file or pipe from standard input (
). - Automate transfers over Telnet.
Note: This is nothing new. The core idea (using DEBUG.exe for inline file transfer) has been around since 2003 (if not earlier!).
When pasting a large amount of data (100+ lines) directly into a Telnet session, the results can be "unpredictable". Behaviours include lines being executed in a incorrect order or characters are just completely skipped.
A solution is to use "Expect" (which is an extension of TCL). Expect can be found in a most major Linux OSs repositories (apt-get -y install expect
/ yum -y install expect
/ pacman -S expect
). Upon executing exe2hex's Telnet script, Expect will automate the Telnet login (based on the arguments used), look for a writeable folder (e.g. defaults to the system variable, %TEMP%
) and then start inputting commands from exe2hex's .bat file, line by line one at a time. If required, the variables at the top of the Expect script can be manually edited (to use a different Telnet port, path, or command prompt).
An example of exe2hex's Telnet mode can be seen below:
root@kali:~# exe2hex -x /usr/share/windows-binaries/nc.exe -b nc.bat -t
[*] exe2hex v1.4
[+] Successfully wrote (BATch) /root/nc.bat
[+] Successfully wrote (Expect) /root/nc-telnet
root@kali:~# expect /root/nc-telnet
Usage: ./nc-telnet <ip> <username> <password>
root@kali:~# expect /root/nc-telnet winxp 123456
spawn telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service
login: winxp
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Server.
C:\Documents and Settings\WinXP>cd %TEMP%
C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo 86484.0 > nc.bat
86484.0 E~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp>type nc.bat
[i] Writable folder!
C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp>del /F nc.bat
C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp>echo n nc.0>nc.hex
C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp>C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp> (Progress: 1/938)
echo e 0100>>nc.hex
C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp>C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp> (Progress: 934/938)
move /Y nc.0 nc.exe
C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp>C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp> (Progress: 935/938)
echo. >nc.hex
C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp>C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp> (Progress: 936/938)
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp>C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp> (Progress: 937/938)
C:\DOCUME~1\WinXP\LOCALS~1\Temp>start /wait /b nc.exe