Recommand for CNN developer
This implementation is only a demo of waifu2x. Standard Linux Caffe environment is required. (Ubuntu 14.04/15.04, CUDA 7.5, cuDNN, BLAS, OpenCV, Python, numpy, scipy, pip, pillow, etc.). Online example can be found here.
This is a reimplemention from the original waifu2x. This demo implemented for the 4 new models only:
The rest of denoise model is not supported, which can be found in other implementations. Also the scale is fixed for 2x.
Since the implementation is based on python, for demo purpose.The efficience is not good enough for large images processing.
This is a standard caffe application on Linux. The following are required.
Ubuntu 14.04/15.04
CUDA 7.5
cuDNN v5
Python 2/3, numpy, scipy, pip, pillow
Compiling the Caffe is required first. Code is here
Instruction can be found here and here
Note: Matlab is not required. Therefore, noneed for matcaffe compilling.
After finished installing, please download the entire folder, and place them into caffe-master/examples/waifu2x-new.
Running sample of
python -i test1.png -o test1_waifu2x.png -m scale -cw 350 -ch 300 --model_dir model
python -i test2.png -o test2_waifu2x.png -m noise_scale -n 1 -cw 600 -ch 300
Help documents
usage: [-h] [-m MODEL] [--model_dir MODEL_DIR] [-n NOISE_LEVEL] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-cw CROP_WIDTH] [-ch CROP_HEIGHT] [-c CROP_SIZE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
--model_dir MODEL_DIR
Model dir
-n NOISE_LEVEL, --noise_level NOISE_LEVEL
-i INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE
Input image address
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
Output image address
-cw CROP_WIDTH, --crop_Width CROP_WIDTH
Width block, best divided by width
-ch CROP_HEIGHT, --crop_height CROP_HEIGHT
Height block, best divided by height
-c CROP_SIZE, --crop_size CROP_SIZE
Block, best to set ch/cw individually
CROP_WIDTH * CROP_HEIGHT are used for splite image into several pieces. You can also assing CROP_SIZE only, where CROP_WIDTH = CROP_HEIGHT = CROP_SIZE.
For best performance, I encourage you to set a relative large value (>200) for CROP_WIDTH and CROP_HEIGHT. And CROP_WIDTH is best to divide width and CROP_HEIGHT is best to divide height. (ex. 300 x 200 for a image wiht 900 x 800 pixels)
Additional Step: Update caffe model with new json model
you can update model by yourself using
$ python models/noise3_scale2.0x_model.json models/noise3_scale2.0x_model.caffemodel
Thanks for waifu2x providing the cnn model. Thanks for caffe providing the running environment.