
save featureAlignedHeatmap output to picture file ?

jupollet opened this issue · 2 comments

I don't find how to save featureAlignedHeatmap output to a picture file.
I try the method with png function followed by the featureAlignedHeatmap command and dev.off() but the image is white.
I also try ggsave but there are only legend and track but no heatmaps.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Could you share me the data to repeat your issue?

And That function is using grid but not ggplot. So ggsave will not work.


I save the Rdata on the cluster and upload it locally.
featureAlignedHeatmap output perfectely on a rmarkdown chunks in my local Rstudio with the bioconductor version 1.14.4 but totally blank in the classic graph windows. On the cluster, I work with the latest conda version (1.14.4 too ).