- 4
#45 opened by zhangqc723 - 1
Number of Overlap Peaks
#44 opened by zhangqc723 - 4
anno gene in heatmap
#43 opened by li1311139481 - 1
Regarding oligoSummary()
#36 opened by hukai916 - 0
opened in error
#41 opened by joshua-theisen - 6
- 8
hello,I don't know how to deal with it,can you help me figure it out. thanks
#34 opened by Rachel12138 - 4
cvglists rtracklayer import error: Error in stop_if_wrong_length(what, ans_len) 'ranges' must have the length of the object to construct
#30 opened by c2b2pss - 4
makeVennDiagram fails with error 'Unexpected parameter length for "col"'
#28 opened by joshua-theisen - 6
`findOverlapsOfPeaks(gr1, gr2)` Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : Inputs contains duplicated ranges. please recheck your inputs.
#25 opened by danli349 - 2
- 1
disjointExons removed in Bioconductor 3.17
#21 opened by yeyuan98 - 7
How to understand otherExon
#22 opened by lbwfff - 5
How to set the circle size same proportion of the number of peaks when there are more than 2 sets using `makeVennDiagram`?
#26 opened by danli349 - 10
- 1
toGRanges() can't read in file name
#17 opened by hukai916 - 1
- 2
Error with `bindingType` in `annotatePeakInBatch`
#13 opened by rbenel - 1
- 3
- 5
genomicElementDistribution not found
#11 opened by Hemantcnaik - 1
invalid class "CompressedGRangesList" object
#10 opened by GBeattie - 2
- 2
- 1
#4 opened by mick42-star - 3
Bug in annotatePeakInBatch (fix found): invalid class "DFrame" object: column names should not be NULL
#5 opened by millerh1 - 1
#7 opened by GerardoZA - 1
Bug in makeVennDiagram.R
#6 opened by adamd3 - 2
overlapofpeak issue
#3 opened by GerardoZA - 1
- 1