
A high-performance proxy for MySQL powered by Golang

Primary LanguageGo

Build Status

#Overview kingshard is a high-performance proxy for MySQL powered by Go. Just like other mysql proxies, you can use it to split the read/write sqls. Now it supports basic SQL statements (select, insert, update, replace, delete). The most important feature is the sharding function. Kingshard aims to simplify the sharding solution of MySQL.


  • splits reads and writes
  • sharding table across multiple nodes
  • client's ip ACL control.
  • supports prepared statement: COM_STMT_PREPARE, COM_STMT_EXECUTE, etc.
  • MySQL HA

#Install 1. Install Go 2. git clone https://github.com/flike/kingshard.git src/github.com/flike/kingshard 3. cd src/github.com/flike/kingshard 4. source ./dev.sh 5. make 6. set the config file (etc/multi.yaml) 7. run kingshard (./bin/kingshard -config=etc/multi.yaml)

#Other language version
