Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A simple and modular implementation of the SAQ algorithm in Jax and Flax. For more information, visit the website at saqrl.github.io.


  1. Install and use the included Ananconda environment
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ source activate saq

You'll need to get your own MuJoCo key if you want to use MuJoCo.

  1. Add this repo directory to your PYTHONPATH environment variable.

Run Experiments

You can run SAQ-CQL experiments using the following command:

python -m vqn.vqn_main \
    --env 'HalfCheetah-v2' \
    --logging.output_dir './experiment_output'

All available command options can be seen in vqn/vqn_main.py and vqn/vqn.py.

You can run SAQ-BC experiments using the following command:

python -m vqn.vqn_main \
    --env 'HalfCheetah-v2' \
    --bc_epochs=1000 \
    --logging.output_dir './experiment_output'

All available command options can be seen in vqn/vqn_main.py and vqn/vqn.py.

You can run SAQ-IQL experiments using the following command:

python -m vqn.vqiql_main \
    --env 'HalfCheetah-v2' \
    --logging.output_dir './experiment_output'

All available command options can be seen in vqn/vqiql_main.py and vqn/vqiql.py.

This repository supports both environments in D4RL(https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.07219) and Robomimic(https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03298).

To install Robomimic and download the Robomimic datasets, visit https://robomimic.github.io/docs/datasets/robomimic_v0.1.html#downloading.

Weights and Biases Online Visualization Integration

This codebase logs experiment results to W&B online visualization platform. To log to W&B, you first need to set your W&B API key environment variable:


Then you can run experiments with W&B logging turned on:

python -m vqn.conservative_sac_main \
    --env 'halfcheetah-medium-v0' \
    --logging.output_dir './experiment_output' \

Example Runs

For full working examples, you can run a sweep of SAQ-CQL on D4RL kitchen or SAQ-IQL on D4RL adroit using the following command:

bash scripts/vqcql_kitchen.sh
bash scripts/vqiql_adroit.sh

This will generate the plots below.

Citation BibTex

If you found this code useful, consider citing the following paper:

  author    = {Jianlan Luo and Perry Dong and Jeffrey Wu and Aviral Kumar and Xinyang Geng and Sergey Levine},
  title     = {Action-Quantized Offline Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Skill Learning},
  booktitle   = {7th Annual Conference on Robot Learning},
  year      = {2023},
  url       = {https://openreview.net/forum?id=n9lew97SAn},


The implementation of SAQ-CQL builds on CQL The implementation of SAQ-IQL builds on IQL