This repository contains an analysis of COVID-19 data sourced from Our World in Data. The project explores various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic using SQL queries and data manipulation techniques.
The COVID-19 dataset used in this analysis is provided by Our World in Data. It includes data on cases, deaths, vaccinations, and population statistics from various locations around the world.
The scope of this project includes:
- Data exploration and analysis using SQL queries.
- Calculation of key COVID-19 statistics, including cases, deaths, and vaccination rates.
- Demonstration of SQL skills, including joins, CTEs, window functions, and more.
This project demonstrates proficiency in the following SQL skills and techniques:
- Joins
- Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
- Window Functions
- Temporary Tables
- Aggregate Functions
- View Creation
- Data Type Conversion
The project comprises several SQL queries and analyses, including:
- Total cases and deaths by location and over time.
- Likelihood of dying from COVID-19 in specific locations.
- Percentage of population infected with COVID-19.
- Identification of countries with high infection rates relative to population.
- Analysis of death counts and rates by location and continent.
- Global COVID-19 trends and statistics.
I acknowledge the valuable COVID-19 data provided by Our World in Data and the open-source community for their contributions to the data used in this project.