This is a modified version using spark-2.11-hadoop2.7 so hive support is not tested. Since there is no available image of spark-notebook with spark-2.11-hadoop2.7, the Dockerfile for spark-notebook is modified and included.
To start an HDFS/Spark Workbench:
docker-compose up -d
To scale up spark-workers:
docker-compose scale spark-worker=3
- Namenode: http://localhost:50070
- Datanode: http://localhost:50075
- Spark-master: http://localhost:8080
- Spark-notebook: http://localhost:9001
- Hue (HDFS Filebrowser): http://localhost:8088/home
When opening Hue, you might encounter NoReverseMatch: u'about' is not a registered namespace
error after login. I disabled 'about' page (which is default one), because it caused docker container to hang. To access Hue when you have such an error, you need to append /home to your URI: http://docker-host-ip:8088/home
val spark = SparkSession
.appName("Simple Count Example")
val tf ="/data.csv")
- Ivan Ermilov @earthquakesan