Blender Render

Render 3D Human with Blender


  • Python2.7
  • Blender2.78

Install Blender

You need to download Blender and install scipy package. The provided code was tested with Blender2.78, which is shipped with its own python executable as well as distutils package. Therefore, it is sufficient to do the following:

# Install pip
# Install scipy
/blenderpath/2.78/python/bin/python3.5m pip install scipy is downloaded from pip. Replace the blenderpath with your own and set BLENDER_PATH.

Otherwise, you might need to point to your system installation of python, but be prepared for unexpected surprises due to version mismatches. There may not be support about questions regarding this installation.

Make a Directory:

Make a directory under . like this:

  • xxxx(some name you like)
    • UV
    • image
    • obj By:
mkdir xxxx
cd xxxx
mkdir UV
mkdir image
mkdir obj

and put the UV map in xxxx/UV

We have provided a directory called "example" for you.

Generate Rendering Object

Install chumpy first:

pip install chumpy

Then run:

python2 xxxx

Generate Rendered Images

Modify the blender path in

bash xxxx

You will see the rendered person in standing position in xxxx/image.

Change the Pose:

The pose parameters are from ./pose_standing.npy, it is an array with 72 dimensions, open it in python with numpy and change it as you wish.

You can also get the 72-dimension pose vector from HMR.