
ETH Guarantees for Machine Learning

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Theoretical Machine Learning Course @ ETH Zurich


Quick Reference to documents

Lectures MW: High Dimensional Statistics

SS: Understanding Machine Learning

SC: Steinwart and Christmann: Support Vector Machines

Lecture title Link to the file Date Reference
Introduction and concentration bounds pdf 26/9/2023 MW Chapter 2
Uniform tail bound and McDiarmid pdf 29/9/2023 MW Chapter 2,3,4
Azuma-Hoeffding and the uniform law pdf 3/10/2023 MW Chapter 2,4
Uniform law and Rademacher complexity pdf 6/10/2023 SS Chapter 7, 26
VC bound and margin bounds pdf 10/10/2023 SS Chapter 7, 26
Covering and metric entropy pdf 17/10/2023 MW Chapter 5
Dudley’s integral and chaining pdf 20/10/2023 MW Chapter 5, 13
Non-parametric regression and kernels pdf 24/10/2023 SC Chapter4, MW Chapter 12, MW Chapter 13
Kernel ridge regression pdf 27/10/2023 /
Random design pdf 31/10/2023 /
Minimax lower bounds pdf 10/11/2023 /
Interactive session: Lower bounds for semi-supervised learning Exercise 14/11/2023 /

| Implicit bias of first-order optimization | pdf | 14/11/2023 | / |


Assignment Link Answer Link Offical Answer Link
Assignment 1 My Answer 1 Official Answer 1
Assignment 2 My Answer 2 Official Answer 2

Project: An Equivalence Between Private Classification and Online Prediction

Proposal Final Paper Presentation

Suggested Papers Up-to-date

Paper Title Paper Link Conf / Journal
Treatment Effect Risk: Bounds and Inference pdf Management Science
Minimax-Optimal Policy Learning Under Unobserved Confounding pdf Management Science
When is the estimated propensity score better? High-dimensional analysis and bias correction pdf /
Counterfactual inference for sequential experiments pdf /
Effect-Invariant Mechanisms for Policy Generalization pdf /
Minimax Regret Optimization for Robust Machine Learning under Distribution Shift pdf COLT 22
An Algorithmic Framework for Bias Bounties pdf FACCT 22
Trained Transformers Learn Linear Models In-Context pdf /
On Provable Copyright Protection for Generative Models pdf ICML 23
Stochastic Bias-Reduced Gradient Methods pdf NeurIPS 21
A Universal Law of Robustness via Isoperimetry pdf NeurIPS 21
Local Risk Bounds for Statistical Aggregation pdf COLT 23
Smoothed Online Learning is as Easy as Statistical Learning pdf COLT 22
List-Decodable Robust Mean Estimation and Learning Mixtures of Spherical Gaussians pdf STOC 18
Adversarial Resilience in Sequential Prediction via Abstention pdf /
The One-Inclusion Graph Algorithm is not Always Optimal pdf /
An Equivalence Between Private Classification and Online Prediction (We selected for project) pdf FOCS 20
Understanding the Risks and Rewards of Combining Unbiased and Possibly Biased Estimators, with Applications to Causal Inference pdf /
Minimax Rates and Adaptivity in Combining Experimental and
Observational Data pdf /
Which Invariance Should We Transfer? A Causal Minimax Learning Approach pdf ICML 23
On the Value of Target Data in Transfer Learning pdf NeurIPS 19
Self-training Converts Weak Learners to Strong Learners in Mixture Models pdf AISTATS 22
A Reductions Approach to Fair Classification pdf ICML 18
Beyond Adult and COMPAS: Fair Multi-Class Prediction via Information Projection pdf NeurIPS 22
Monge, Bregman and Occam: Interpretable Optimal Transport in High-Dimensions with Feature-Sparse Maps pdf ICML 23
Online multiple hypothesis testing pdf /
The difference between structural counterfactuals and potential outcomes pdf /

Important Dates for repo

9/10/2023: Add assignment 1 and personal answers for assignment 1; Add Lecture 1 - 4 PDF; Add reference book " High-Dimensional Statistics" by Martion J. Wainwright

11/10/2023: Fix typos and mistakes in assignment 1. Add lecture 5 and interactive session materials.

11/10/2023: Add suggested paper list this semester

17/10/2023: Add Lecture 6 Slides. Reseach proposal of the project: to be added

21/10/2023: Add lecture 7 slide. Research proposal of the project: to be added. Due on 24/10. Especially update the lecture 5 slides since the proof is added.

23/10/2023: Add Project Proposal: An Equivalence Between Private Classification and Online Prediction

21/12/2023: Add Lecture notes, Exercise sheets (finish). Add presentation slides. Final Paper: to be released. Add cheatsheets for oral (referred by Tao Sun's notes)