
A Deep Learning Toolkit for Protein Property Prediction, Localization Prediction, Protein-Protein Interaction, antigen epitope prediction, antibody paratope prediction, antibody developability prediction, etc. [NeurIPS 2024 AIDrugX Spotlight]

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

DeepProtein Logo

[DeepProtein: Deep Learning Library and Benchmark for Protein Sequence Learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.02023, NeurIPS 2024 AIDrugX Spotlight)

Applications in Protein Property Prediction, Localization Prediction, Protein-Protein Interaction, Antigen Epitope Prediction, Antibody Paratope Prediction, Antibody Developability Prediction, and more.


Understanding proteomics is critical for advancing biology, genomics, and medicine. Proteins perform essential roles, such as catalyzing biochemical reactions and providing immune responses. With the rise of 3D databases like AlphaFold 2.0, machine learning has become a powerful tool for studying protein mechanisms.

Why DeepProtein?

Deep learning has revolutionized tasks such as:

  1. Protein-protein interaction
  2. Protein folding
  3. Protein-ligand interaction
  4. Protein function and property prediction

However, current benchmarks often focus on sequential methods like CNNs and transformers, overlooking graph-based models and lacking user-friendly interfaces.

What is DeepProtein?

DeepProtein is a comprehensive deep learning library and benchmark designed to fill these gaps:

  1. Comprehensive Benchmarking: Evaluating CNNs, RNNs, transformers, and GNNs on 7 essential protein learning tasks, such as function prediction and antibody developability.
  2. User-friendly Interface: Simplifying execution with one command for all tasks.
  3. Enhanced Accessibility: Extensive documentation and tutorials for reproducible research.

DeepProtein Approach


  • [09/24] DeepProtein is online. The website is under initial test and construction.


First, we recommend you follow the instructions on how DeepPurpose's dependencies are installed.

conda create -n DeepProtein python=3.9
conda activate DeepProtein
pip install git+https://github.com/bp-kelley/descriptastorus
pip install lmdb seaborn wandb pydantic DeepPurpose
conda install -c conda-forge pytdc

A version of torch 2.1+ is required to be installed since Jul requires a version of torch >=2.1.0.

  1. If you want to use GPU, then first find a matched torch version, then install duel with cuda version. We give an example of torch 2.3.0 with cuda 11.8:
    pip install torch==2.3.0 torchvision==0.18.0 torchaudio==2.3.0 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
    conda install -c dglteam/label/th23_cu118 dgl
  2. If you are not using a GPU, then follow this:
    pip install torch==2.3.0 torchvision==0.18.0 torchaudio==2.3.0 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu
    conda install -c dglteam/label/th23_cpu dgl


Checkout some demos & tutorials to start:

Name Description
Dataset Tutorial Tutorial on how to use the dataset loader and read customized data
Protein Property Prediction Tutorial Example of CNN on Beta-lactamase property prediction
Protein Protein Interaction Tutorial Example of CNN on PPI Affinity prediction


We give two examples for each case study. One is trained with fixed parameters (a) and one is trained with argument. The argument list is given below.

Argument Description
target_encoding 'CNN' / 'Transformer' for sequential learning, or 'DGL_GCN' for 'DGL_AttentiveFP' for structure learning. Current available protein encoding belongs to this full list: ['CNN', 'Transformer', 'CNN_RNN', 'DGL_GCN', 'DGL_GAT', 'DGL_AttentiveFP', 'DGL_NeuralFP', 'DGL_MPNN', 'PAGTN', 'Graphormer']. For residue level tasks, the protein encoding list is ['Token_CNN', 'Token_CNN_RNN, 'Token_Transformer']
seed For paper: 7 / 42 /100. You could try your own seed.
wandb_proj The name of your wandb project that you wish to save the results into.
lr Learning rate. We recommend 1e-4 for non-GNN learning and 1e-5 for GNN learning.
epochs Number of training epochs. Generally setting 60 - 100 epochs leads to convergence.
compute_pos_enc * Compute positional encoding for using graph transformers. We dont recommend add this inductive bias into GNN as GNN itself already encoded it. This don't work effectively on large scale graphs with dgl so the implementation is still under test.
batch_size Batch size of 8 - 32 is good for protein sequence learning.

Case Study 1(a): A Framework for Protein Function (Property) Prediction

Click here for the code!
import os, sys, argparse, torch, wandb

### Our library DeepProtein
from DeepProtein.dataset import *
import DeepProtein.utils as utils
import DeepProtein.ProteinPred as models

### Load Beta lactamase dataset
path = os.getcwd()
train_beta = Beta_lactamase(path + '/DeepProtein/data', 'train')
valid_beta = Beta_lactamase(path + '/DeepProtein/data', 'valid')
test_beta = Beta_lactamase(path + '/DeepProtein/data', 'test')

train_protein_processed, train_target, train_protein_idx = collate_fn(train_beta)
valid_protein_processed, valid_target, valid_protein_idx = collate_fn(valid_beta)
test_protein_processed, test_target, test_protein_idx = collate_fn(test_beta)

### Train Valid Test Split
target_encoding = 'CNN'
train, _, _ = utils.data_process(X_target=train_protein_processed, y=train_target, 
    target_encoding=target_encoding, split_method='random', frac=[0.99998, 1e-5, 1e-5])

_, val, _ = utils.data_process(X_target=valid_protein_processed, y=valid_target,        
    target_encoding=target_encoding, split_method='random', frac=[1e-5, 0.99998, 1e-5])

_, _, test = utils.data_process(X_target=test_protein_processed, y=test_target,         
    target_encoding=target_encoding,split_method='random', frac=[1e-5, 1e-5, 0.99998])
### Load configuration for model
config = generate_config(target_encoding=target_encoding,
                         cls_hidden_dims=[1024, 1024],
config['multi'] = False
model = models.model_initialize(**config)

### Train our model
model.train(train, val, test, compute_pos_enc = False)

If you want to use structure learning methods such as graph neural network, please set the second parameters in the collate_fn() into True.

(b) If you wish to use arguments, this could be trained in one line. All mentioned GNN variants above is available for training.

CNN Case
python train/beta.py --target_encoding CNN --seed 7 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.0001 --epochs 100
GNN Case
python train/beta.py --target_encoding DGL_GCN --seed 7 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.00001 --epochs 100

Case Study 1(b): A Framework for Protein Protein Interaction Prediction

Click here for the code!
### package import
import os, sys, argparse, torch, wandb

### Our library DeepProtein
from DeepProtein.dataset import *
import DeepProtein.utils as utils
import DeepProtein.PPI as models

### Load PPI Affinity dataset
path = os.getcwd()
train_ppi = PPI_Affinity(path + '/DeepProtein/data', 'train')
valid_ppi = PPI_Affinity(path + '/DeepProtein/data', 'valid')
test_ppi = PPI_Affinity(path + '/DeepProtein/data', 'test')

train_protein_1, train_protein_2, train_target, train_protein_idx = collate_fn_ppi(train_ppi, graph=False, unsqueeze=False)
valid_protein_1, valid_protein_2, valid_target, valid_protein_idx = collate_fn_ppi(valid_ppi, graph=False, unsqueeze=False)
test_protein_1, test_protein_2, test_target, test_protein_idx = collate_fn_ppi(test_ppi, graph=False, unsqueeze=False)

### Train Valid Test Split
target_encoding = 'CNN'
train, _, _ = data_process(X_target = train_protein_1, X_target_ = train_protein_2, y = train_target,
                target_encoding = target_encoding,
                split_method='random', frac=[0.99998, 1e-5, 1e-5],
                random_seed = 1)
_, val, _ = data_process(X_target = valid_protein_1, X_target_ = valid_protein_2, y = valid_target,
                target_encoding = target_encoding,
                split_method='random',frac=[1e-5, 0.99998, 1e-5],
                random_seed = 1)

_, _, test = data_process(X_target = test_protein_1, X_target_ = test_protein_2, y = test_target,
                target_encoding = target_encoding,
                split_method='random',frac=[1e-5, 1e-5, 0.99998],
                random_seed = 1)
### Load configuration for model
config = generate_config(target_encoding=target_encoding,
# config['multi'] = False
model = models.model_initialize(**config)

### Train our model
model.train(train, val, test)

If you want to use structure learning methods such as graph neural network, please set the second parameters in the collate_fn_ppi() into True.

(b) If you wish to use arguments, this could be trained in one line. For GNN, only DGL_GCN, DGL_GAT and DGL_NeuralFP is available currently.

CNN Case
python train/ppi_affinity.py --target_encoding CNN --seed 42 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.0001 --epochs 100
GNN Case
python train/ppi_affinity.py --target_encoding DGL_GCN --seed 42 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.00001 --epochs 100

Case Study 1(c): A Framework for Protein Localization Prediction

Click here for the code!
### package import
import os, sys, argparse, torch, wandb

### Our library DeepProtein
from DeepProtein.dataset import *
import DeepProtein.utils as utils
import DeepProtein.ProteinPred as models

### Load Subcellular Dataset
path = os.getcwd()
train_sub = Subcellular(path + '/DeepProtein/data', 'train')
valid_sub = Subcellular(path + '/DeepProtein/data', 'valid')
test_sub = Subcellular(path + '/DeepProtein/data', 'test')

train_protein_processed, train_target, train_protein_idx = collate_fn(train_sub)
valid_protein_processed, valid_target, valid_protein_idx = collate_fn(valid_sub)
test_protein_processed, test_target, test_protein_idx = collate_fn(test_sub)

### Train Valid Test Split
target_encoding = 'CNN'
train, _, _ = utils.data_process(X_target=train_protein_processed, y=train_target, 
    target_encoding=target_encoding, split_method='random', frac=[0.99998, 1e-5, 1e-5])

_, val, _ = utils.data_process(X_target=valid_protein_processed, y=valid_target,        
    target_encoding=target_encoding, split_method='random', frac=[1e-5, 0.99998, 1e-5])

_, _, test = utils.data_process(X_target=test_protein_processed, y=test_target,         
    target_encoding=target_encoding,split_method='random', frac=[1e-5, 1e-5, 0.99998])
### Load configuration for model
config = generate_config(target_encoding=target_encoding,
                         cls_hidden_dims=[1024, 1024],
config['binary'] = False
config['multi'] = True
config['classes'] = 10
model = models.model_initialize(**config)

### Train our model
model.train(train, val, test, compute_pos_enc = False)

If you want to use structure learning methods such as graph neural network, please set the second parameters in the collate_fn() into True. Note that SubCellular is multi-class classification problem, therefore you should set config['multi'] to True.

(b) If you wish to use arguments, this could be trained in one line. All mentioned GNN variants above is available for training.

CNN Case
python train/subcellular.py --target_encoding CNN --seed 7 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.0001 --epochs 100
GNN Case
python train/subcellular.py --target_encoding DGL_GCN --seed 7 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.00001 --epochs 100

Case Study 1(d): A Framework for Antigen Epitope Prediction

Make sure that tdc is installed, if not

pip install PyTDC
Click here for the code!
### package import
import os, sys, argparse, torch, wandb

### Our library DeepProtein
from DeepProtein.dataset import *
import DeepProtein.utils as utils
import DeepProtein.TokenPred as models
from tdc.single_pred import Epitope

### Load Epitope  Dataset
data_class, name, X = Epitope, 'IEDB_Jespersen', 'Antigen'
data = data_class(name=name)
split = data.get_split()

train_data, valid_data, test_data = split['train'], split['valid'], split['test']
vocab_set = set()

train_vocab, train_positive_ratio = data2vocab(train_data, train_data, X)
valid_vocab, valid_positive_ratio = data2vocab(valid_data, train_data, X)
test_vocab, test_positive_ratio = data2vocab(test_data, train_data, X)

vocab_set = train_vocab.union(valid_vocab)
vocab_set = vocab_set.union(test_vocab)
vocab_lst = list(vocab_set)

### Train Valid Test Split
train_data = standardize_data(train_data, vocab_lst, X)
valid_data = standardize_data(valid_data, vocab_lst, X)
test_data = standardize_data(test_data, vocab_lst, X)

train_set = data_process_loader_Token_Protein_Prediction(train_data)
valid_set = data_process_loader_Token_Protein_Prediction(valid_data)
test_set = data_process_loader_Token_Protein_Prediction(test_data)

### Load configuration for model
config = generate_config(target_encoding=target_encoding,
                         cls_hidden_dims=[1024, 1024],
config['multi'] = False
config['binary'] = True
config['token'] = True
config['in_channels'] = 24
model = models.model_initialize(**config)

### Train our model
model.train(train_set, valid_set, test_set, batch_size=batch_size)

(b) If you wish to use arguments, this could be trained in one line. All mentioned GNN variants above is not available for training. For an important notice, this task is residue (token) level classification therefore we deploy token level CNN, CNN_RNN and Transformer models.

Current version only supports Token_CNN, Token_CNN_RNN and Token_Transformer for target_encoding.

CNN Case
python train/IEDB.py --target_encoding Token_CNN --seed 7 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.0001 --epochs 100

Case Study 1(e): A Framework for Antibody Paratope Prediction

Make sure that tdc is installed, if not

pip install PyTDC
Click here for the code!
### package import
import os, sys, argparse, torch, wandb 

### Our library DeepProtein
from DeepProtein.dataset import *
import DeepProtein.utils as utils
import DeepProtein.TokenPred as models
from tdc.single_pred import Paratope

### Load Paratope Dataset
data_class, name, X = Paratope, 'SAbDab_Liberis', 'Antibody'
data = data_class(name=name)
split = data.get_split()
train_data, valid_data, test_data = split['train'], split['valid'], split['test']
vocab_set = set()

train_vocab, train_positive_ratio = data2vocab(train_data, train_data, X)
valid_vocab, valid_positive_ratio = data2vocab(valid_data, train_data, X)
test_vocab, test_positive_ratio = data2vocab(test_data, train_data, X)

vocab_set = train_vocab.union(valid_vocab)
vocab_set = vocab_set.union(test_vocab)
vocab_lst = list(vocab_set)

### Train Valid Test Split
train_data = standardize_data(train_data, vocab_lst, X)
valid_data = standardize_data(valid_data, vocab_lst, X)
test_data = standardize_data(test_data, vocab_lst, X)

train_set = data_process_loader_Token_Protein_Prediction(train_data)
valid_set = data_process_loader_Token_Protein_Prediction(valid_data)
test_set = data_process_loader_Token_Protein_Prediction(test_data)

### Load configuration for model
config = generate_config(target_encoding=target_encoding,
                         cls_hidden_dims=[1024, 1024],
config['multi'] = False
config['binary'] = True
config['token'] = True
config['in_channels'] = 20
model = models.model_initialize(**config)

### Train our model
model.train(train_set, valid_set, test_set, batch_size=batch_size)

(b) If you wish to use arguments, this could be trained in one line. All mentioned GNN variants above is not available for training. For an important notice, this task is residue (token) level classification therefore we deploy token level CNN, CNN_RNN and Transformer models.

Current version only supports Token_CNN, Token_CNN_RNN and Token_Transformer for target_encoding.

CNN Case
python train/SAbDab_Liberis.py --target_encoding Token_CNN --seed 7 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.0001 --epochs 100

Case Study 1(f): A Framework for Antibody Developability Prediction (TAP)

Make sure that tdc is installed, if not

pip install PyTDC
Click here for the code!
### package import
import os, sys, argparse, torch, wandb

### Our library DeepProtein
from DeepProtein.dataset import *
import DeepProtein.utils as utils
import DeepProtein.PPI as models
from tdc.utils import retrieve_label_name_list
from tdc.single_pred import Develop

### Load TAP Dataset
label_list = retrieve_label_name_list('TAP')

data = Develop(name='TAP', label_name=label_list[0])
split = data.get_split()

train_antibody_1, train_antibody_2 = to_two_seq(split, 'train', 'Antibody')
valid_antibody_1, valid_antibody_2 = to_two_seq(split, 'valid', 'Antibody')
test_antibody_1, test_antibody_2 = to_two_seq(split, 'test', 'Antibody')

y_train, y_valid, y_test = split['train']['Y'], split['valid']['Y'], split['test']['Y']

train_TAP = list(zip(train_antibody_1, train_antibody_2, y_train))
valid_TAP = list(zip(valid_antibody_1, valid_antibody_2, y_valid))
test_TAP = list(zip(test_antibody_1, test_antibody_2, y_test))

### Train Valid Test Split
target_encoding = 'CNN'
train_protein_1, train_protein_2, train_target, train_protein_idx = collate_fn_ppi(train_TAP, graph=False, unsqueeze=False)
valid_protein_1, valid_protein_2, valid_target, valid_protein_idx = collate_fn_ppi(valid_TAP, graph=False, unsqueeze=False)
test_protein_1, test_protein_2, test_target, test_protein_idx = collate_fn_ppi(test_TAP, graph=False, unsqueeze=False)

train, _, _ = data_process(X_target=train_protein_1, X_target_=train_protein_2, y=train_target,
                               split_method='random', frac=[0.99998, 1e-5, 1e-5],

_, val, _ = data_process(X_target=valid_protein_1, X_target_=valid_protein_2, y=valid_target,
                            split_method='random', frac=[1e-5, 0.99998, 1e-5],

_, _, test = data_process(X_target=test_protein_1, X_target_=test_protein_2, y=test_target,
                            split_method='random', frac=[1e-5, 1e-5, 0.99998],

### Load configuration for model
config = generate_config(target_encoding=target_encoding,
                         cls_hidden_dims=[1024, 1024],
config['binary'] = False
config['multi'] = False
model = models.model_initialize(**config)

### Train our model
model.train(train_set, valid_set, test_set, batch_size=batch_size)

If you want to use structure learning methods such as graph neural network, please set the second parameters in the collate_fn_ppi() into True.

(b) If you wish to use arguments, this could be trained in one line. For GNN, only DGL_GCN, DGL_GAT and DGL_NeuralFP is available currently.

CNN Case
python train/TAP.py --target_encoding CNN --seed 7 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.0001 --epochs 100
GNN Case
python train/TAP.py --target_encoding DGL_GCN --seed 7 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.00001 --epochs 100

Case Study 1(g): A Framework for Repair Outcome Prediction (CRISPR)

Make sure that tdc is installed, if not

pip install PyTDC
Click here for the code!
### package import
import os, sys, argparse, torch, wandb

### Our library DeepProtein
from DeepProtein.dataset import *
import DeepProtein.utils as utils
import DeepProtein.ProteinPred as models
from tdc.utils import retrieve_label_name_list
from tdc.single_pred import Develop, CRISPROutcome

### Load CRISPR Leenay Dataset
label_list = retrieve_label_name_list('Leenay')

data = CRISPROutcome(name='Leenay', label_name=label_list[0])
split = data.get_split()

train_GuideSeq, y_train = list(split['train']['GuideSeq']), list(split['train']['Y'])
val_GuideSeq, y_valid = list(split['valid']['GuideSeq']), list(split['valid']['Y'])
test_GuideSeq, y_test = list(split['test']['GuideSeq']), list(split['test']['Y'])

train_CRISPR = list(zip(train_GuideSeq, y_train))
valid_CRISPR = list(zip(val_GuideSeq, y_valid))
test_CRISPR = list(zip(test_GuideSeq, y_test))

### Train Valid Test Split
target_encoding = 'CNN'
train_protein_1, train_target, train_protein_idx = collate_fn(train_CRISPR, graph=False, unsqueeze=True)
valid_protein_1, valid_target, valid_protein_idx = collate_fn(valid_CRISPR, graph=False, unsqueeze=True)
test_protein_1, test_target, test_protein_idx = collate_fn(test_CRISPR, graph=False, unsqueeze=True)

train, _, _ = data_process(X_target=train_protein_1, y=train_target,
                               split_method='random', frac=[0.99998, 1e-5, 1e-5],
_, val, _ = data_process(X_target=valid_protein_1, y=valid_target,
                            split_method='random', frac=[1e-5, 0.99998, 1e-5],

_, _, test = data_process(X_target=test_protein_1, y=test_target,
                            split_method='random', frac=[1e-5, 1e-5, 0.99998],

### Load configuration for model
config = generate_config(target_encoding=target_encoding,
                         cls_hidden_dims=[1024, 1024],
config['binary'] = False
config['multi'] = False
model = models.model_initialize(**config)

### Train our model
model.train(train_set, valid_set, test_set, batch_size=batch_size)

If you want to use structure learning methods such as graph neural network, please set the second parameters in the collate_fn() into True.

(b) If you wish to use arguments, this could be trained in one line. All mentioned GNN above is available currently.

CNN Case
python train/CRISPR.py --target_encoding CNN --seed 7 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.0001 --epochs 100
GNN Case
python train/CRISPR.py --target_encoding DGL_GCN --seed 7 --wandb_proj DeepProtein --lr 0.00001 --epochs 100


Thanks to DeepPurpose and dgllife, we could borrow some of the encodings from DeepPurpose. The newly added encodings are PAGTN, EGT and Graphormer which belong to graph transformer modules that are prevailing methods these years for encoding protein graphs.

Currently, we support the following encodings:

Protein Encodings Description
CNN Convolutional Neural Network on SMILES
Transformer Transformer Encoder on ESPF
MPNN Message-passing neural network
DGL_GCN Graph Convolutional Network
DGL_NeuralFP Neural Fingerprint
DGL_AttentiveFP Attentive FP, Xiong et al. 2020
DGL_GAT Graph Attention Network
PAGTN Path Augmented Graph Transformer Network
Graphormer Do Transformers Really Perform Bad, Ying et al.

Note that we've tried EGT, however, it would lead to memory error if we want to construct a large batched edge feature matrix therefore we ignore the implementation of EGT. This could be solved if applied to small graphs so it will be our future work.


We provided the data under the folder DeepProtein/data (Besides TDC) and the folder data (TDC).

Data Source Form Task
Fluorescence PEER LMDB Protein Property Prediction
Solubility PEER LMDB Protein Property Prediction
Stability PEER LMDB Protein Property Prediction
Beta-lactamase PEER LMDB Protein Property Prediction
SubCellular PEER LMDB Protein Localization Prediction
SubCellular-Binary PEER LMDB Protein Localization Prediction
PPI_Affinity PEER LMDB Protein-Protein Interaction
Human_PPI PEER LMDB Protein-Protein Interaction
Yeast_PPI PEER LMDB Protein-Protein Interaction
IEDB TDC PICKLE Antigen Epitope Prediction
PDB-Jespersen TDC PICKLE Antigen Epitope Prediction
SAbDab-Liberis TDC PICKLE Antibody Paratope Prediction
TAP TDC TAB Antibody Developability Prediction
SAbDab-Chen TDC TAB Antibody Developability Prediction
CRISPR-Leenay TDC TAB CRISPR Repair Outcome Prediction

Cite Us

If you found this package useful, please cite our paper:

  title={DeepProtein: Deep Learning Library and Benchmark for Protein Sequence Learning},
  author={Xie, Jiaqing and Zhao, Yue and Fu, Tianfan},