Tcp Socket Plugin for Unreal Engine 4 facilitates communication with a TCP server purely in blueprints. Client-only functionality. Built version can be downloaded here.
- Multiple connections
- Multi-threading: each connection runs on its own thread
- Detects disconnects as soon as they happen
- Event dispatchers: OnConnected, OnDisconnected (also triggers when connection fails), OnMessageReceived
- Serialize and deserialize basic types: Uint8, Int32, Float, String
- Free and open source under MIT license
Create a blueprint actor inheriting from TcpSocketConnection, drop it into level and use these nodes:
This is only an example. In .h
class EXAMPLE_API ACppSocketConnection : public ATcpSocketConnection
void OnConnected(int32 ConnectionId);
void OnDisconnected(int32 ConId);
void OnMessageReceived(int32 ConId, TArray<uint8>& Message);
void ConnectToGameServer();
int32 connectionIdGameServer;
In .cpp
void ACppSocketConnection::ConnectToGameServer() {
if (isConnected(connectionIdGameServer))
UE_LOG(LogError, Log, TEXT("Log: Can't connect SECOND time. We're already connected!"));
FTcpSocketDisconnectDelegate disconnectDelegate;
disconnectDelegate.BindDynamic(this, &ACppSocketConnection::OnDisconnected);
FTcpSocketConnectDelegate connectDelegate;
connectDelegate.BindDynamic(this, &ACppSocketConnection::OnConnected);
FTcpSocketReceivedMessageDelegate receivedDelegate;
receivedDelegate.BindDynamic(this, &ACppSocketConnection::OnMessageReceived);
Connect("", 3500, disconnectDelegate, connectDelegate, receivedDelegate, connectionIdGameServer);
void ACppSocketConnection::OnConnected(int32 ConId) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Log: Connected to server."));
void ACppSocketConnection::OnDisconnected(int32 ConId) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Log: OnDisconnected."));
void ACppSocketConnection::OnMessageReceived(int32 ConId, TArray<uint8>& Message) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Log: Received message."));
// In this example, we always encode messages a certain way:
// The first 4 bytes contain the length of the rest of the message.
while (Message.Num() != 0) {
// read expected length
int32 msgLength = Message_ReadInt(Message);
if (msgLength == -1) // when we can't read 4 bytes, the method returns -1
TArray<uint8> yourMessage;
// read the message itself
if (!Message_ReadBytes(msgLength, Message, yourMessage)) {
// If it couldn't read expected number of bytes, something went wrong.
// Print a UE_LOG here, while your project is in development.
// If the message was read, then treat "yourMessage" here!
// ...
// And then we go back to the "while", because we may have received multiple messages in a frame,
// so they all have to be read.
Intended for all platforms that support sockets and multithreading, which is most of them, except HTML5.
Tested on platforms: Windows