

interactcli-rs is a command-line program framework used to solve the problem of the integration of command-line and interactive modes, including functions such as unification of command-line interactive modes and sub-command prompts. The framework integrates clap and shellwords.

quick guide

The frame contains examples of visiting

The quick start process is as follows:

  • clone project

    git clone
    cd interactcli-rs
  • Command line mode

    cargo run requestsample baidu
  • Interactive mode

    cargo run -- -i
    interact-rs> requestsample baidu

Interactive mode

Use "Tab" key in interactive mode to prompt command

Development steps

  • Define commands The cmd module is used to define commands and related subcommands

    use clap::Command;
    pub fn new_requestsample_cmd() -> Command<'static> {
    pub fn get_baidu_cmd() -> Command<'static> {

    The new_requestsample_cmd function defines the command "requestsample", and the get_baidu_cmd function defines the subcommand baidu of requestsample

  • Register order The command tree is defined in the src/cmd/ file, and the defined subcommands can be registered here

    lazy_static! {
      static ref CLIAPP: clap::App<'static> = App::new("interact-rs")
          .author("Shiwen Jia. <>")
          .about("command line sample")
                  .about("Sets a custom config file")
                  .about("run as interact mod")
                  .about("Sets the level of verbosity")
                  .about("controls testing features")
                  .author("Someone E. <>")
                          .about("print debug information verbosely")
      static ref SUBCMDS: Vec<SubCmd> = subcommands();

    The defined command does not need other processing, the framework will generate a sub-command tree when the system is running, for the support of the command prompt

  • Parse command The cmd_match in src/cmd/ is responsible for parsing commands, and the parsing logic can be written in this function

    fn cmd_match(matches: &ArgMatches) {   
      if let Some(ref matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("requestsample") {
          if let Some(_) = matches.subcommand_matches("baidu") {
              let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
              let async_req = async {
                  let result = req::get_baidu().await;
                  println!("{:?}", result);
  • Modify the command prompt in interactive mode The prompt can be defined in src/interact/

    pub fn run() {
      loop {
          let p = format!("{}> ", "interact-rs");
          rl.helper_mut().expect("No helper").colored_prompt = format!("\x1b[1;32m{}\x1b[0m", p);
