
Code for *Eventfulness for Interactive Video Alignment*

Primary LanguagePython

Eventfulness for Interactive Video Alignment

This is a barebone repository for code of Eventfulness for Interactive Video Alignment


You can first clone this directory with the command


We set up a virtual environment using conda for network training/testing. With the assumption that it is being installed for your bash script beforehand, you can create the eventfulness by simply using the commands below:

cd setup
bash createCondaEnv.sh

Training Network On Synthetic Data

To train a network on the synthetic data we generated, download first the training and testing dataSets from eventfulness website and store the extracted dataSets directory under the root of this repository.

Then to run the scripts related to network training or prediction, navigate to the scripts directory with the command cd scripts. In this directory, you can train a network with the command

python train.py [ARGUMENTS]

You can learn about the appliable arguments with the command:

python train.py --help

An example commmand of training a network with 2 CUDA GPUS on our synthetic data is stored in ./scripts/train.sh. Run the script to start the training process. The trained checkpoints of the network would be stored at scripts/lossAccuracyReport/START_TRAIN_TIME/prediction and the training/validation loss data would be stored at scripts/runs/START_TIME_MACHINE/. You can visualize the loss plot by running tensorboard in the scripts directory.

Predict Eventfulness with our Trained Network

Download our trained model from eventfulness website and then extract the checkpoints and place it under the eventfulness repository. Then, you can use the model to predict eventfulness for all videos stored in a dataset in the format of


You take bouncingBall dataset in your downloaded file as a reference for the dataset structure. Similarly in scripts, you can use

python predict.py [ARGUMENTS]

to predict eventfulness for a dataset and for the detail instructions of using different arguments, please run the command python predict.py --help to find out.

The eventfulness prediction would be stored as .json files in the result subdirectory under the target_dir that you would like to make prediction for.

For more questions regarding training or predicting eventfulness, please contact Caroline Sun by js3623@cornell.edu or Abe Davis by abedavis@cornell.edu.