
NMEA2000 Simple Wind monitor using esp idf

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Supported Targets ESP32 ESP32-C2 ESP32-C3 ESP32-S2 ESP32-S3

NMEA2000 Simple Wind monitor using esp idf

Inspired by NMEA2000_switchbank_example_esp-idf library in an ESP-IDF project.
Example of using NMEA2000 library in an ESP-IDF project.

The NMEA2000 library is typically used in the Arduino environment, but it can be used without Arduino. Documentation was lacking on how to do this, so I created this example to demonstrate how it can be done in the ESP-IDF (4.4+) environment.

How to use this example

Select the instructions depending on Espressif chip installed on your development board:

Clone this repo and make sure to get the submodules. git clone https://github.com/jiauka/NMEA2000-windesp32xx-idf.git --recursive

(If you forgot the --recusive clone, then you can get the submodules later with git submodule update --init --recursive)

Launch the ESP-IDF build environment (varies with OS). Then idf build

Example project structure

The NMEA2000 and NMEA2000_esp32xx repos are located in components/ dir of this project as git submodules.

ESP-IDF app code is typically written in C. So to call C++ library functions, I created a wrapper called OwnN2K as another component.

  - components/
    - NMEA2000/
    - NMEA2000_esp32c3/
    - OwnN2K/
      - CMakeLists.txt
      - OwnN2K.cpp
      - OwnN2K.h
  - main/
    - CMakeLists.txt
    - main.c
  - CMakeLists.txt 

Debug NMEA2000

If you wanna to use the native serial logging port at esp32xx at the NMEA2000 library, a quick and dirty hack is @NMEA2000.cpp

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "../../ESP32N2kStream/ESP32N2kStream.h"

extern ESP32N2kStream Serial;

#define DebugStream Serial

#define NMEA2000_MSG_DEBUG
#define NMEA2000_BUF_DEBUG
#define NMEA2000_DEBUG