
The implementatin of Versatile Weight Attack via Flipping Limited Bits, including Singel Sample Attack and Triggered Samples Attack.

Primary LanguagePython


The implementatin of Versatile Weight Attack via Flipping Limited Bits, including Singel Sample Attack and Triggered Samples Attack.


[2023/05/01] The attacks against full-precision netoworks (their weights are in 32-bit floating point format) have been added to the folders "single_sample_attack_float" and "triggered_samples_attack_float".


  1. Install PyTorch >= 1.5
  2. Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/jiawangbai/Versatile-Weight-Attack.git

Run Our Code

Set the "cifar_root" in the "config.py" firstly.

Single Sample Attack (SSA)

Running the below command will attack a sample (3676-th sample in the CIFAR-10 validation set) into class 0.

cd single_sample_attack/
python SSA.py --target-class 0 --attack-idx 3676 --lam 100 --k 5

You can set "target-class" and "attack-idx" to perform SSA on a specific sample.

Running the below command can reproduce our results in attacking the 8-bit quantized ResNet on CIFAR-10 with the parameter searching strategy introduced in the paper.

cd single_sample_attack/
python SSA_reproduce.py 

"cifar_attack_info.txt" includes the 1,000 attacked samples and their target classes used in our experiments.
  [[target-class, sample-index],
  [target-class, sample-index],
  [target-class, sample-index] ]
where "sample-index" is the index of this attacked sample in CIFAR-10 validation set.

Running the below command will attack the full-precision network.

cd single_sample_attack_float/
python SSA.py --target-class 0 --attack-idx 3676 --lam 50 --k 5

Triggered Samples Attack (TSA)

Running the below command will attack all samples with a trigger (CIFAR-10 validation set) into class 0.

cd triggered_samples_attack/
python TSA.py --target 0

You can set "target" to perform TSA with different target class.

Running the below command will reproduce our results in attacking the 8-bit quantized ResNet on CIFAR-10 with the parameter searching strategy introduced in the paper.

cd triggered_samples_attack/
sh run.sh [gpu-id]

Running the below command will attack the full-precision network.

cd triggered_samples_attack_float/
python TSA.py --target 0


We provide the pretrained 8-bit quantized ResNet on CIFAR-10. -> "cifar_resnet_quan_8/model.th" and the pretrained full-precision ResNet on CIFAR-10. -> "cifar_resnet_float/model.th"

Python version is 3.6.10 and the main requirments are below:

We also provide the following command to install dependencies before running the code:

pip install -r requirements.txt