
前端webupload +Django后台实现大文件分片、断点续传、Django项目。 The front-end webupload uploader + Django backstage implementation of large file sharding, Breakpoint continuingly, Django project.

Primary LanguagePython

前端webupload +Django后台实现大文件分片、断点续传、Django项目。 The front-end webupload uploader + Django backstage implementation of large file sharding, Breakpoint continuingly, Django project.

初始项目 Django2.0.3 python3.6

成功 测试上传3G大小的文件

没写modle ORM 上传文件 路径的映射 欢迎完善

redis 缓存上传碎片的方式注释了 想尝试这个可以自己打开去配置

  1. Clone the repo.


git clone git@github.com:jiawenquan/DjangoChunkedUploadDemo.git
cd DjangoChunkedUploadDemo/
  1. Install the requirements (I suggest using a virtualenv).


virtualenv ven
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the server.


./manage.py runserver
  1. Go to <>__ and upload a file.

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