LabelEpisode WordPress

LabelEpisode WordPress project

General Guidance

Only make code changes in themes/depot-child.

If not possible, check in plugins/some-plugin, commit, make your fix in plugins/some-plugin, commit again, so that the second commit contains only minimal patch code.

Also, to ease search through Github commits, add text "#source-patch"" in commit message.


Assign a tag server-head to the current commit where server has been updated to.

At development phase, we will reuse and move the same tag to HEAD everytime server has been deployed. Since Git tag can only be assigned to one commit, we have to do the following:

git tag server-head some-commit
git tag -d server-head
git tag server-head new-commit-server-deployed
git push --force origin server-head

Use labelepisode cli le to deploy as below:

  • incremental, sftp only diffs after a commit/tag, (mostly, server-head)
    le deploy -h -u z9dxje3vnh6c -r /home/z9dxje3vnh6c/public_html -c server-head
  • full, sftp all local tracked files

Plugin Versions

List of plugin versions (Apr, 2019)

wp plugin list

name status update version
akismet active none 4.1.1
taxonomy-terms-order active none 1.5.5
classic-editor active none 1.4
duplicator active none 1.3.10
first-order-discount-woocommerce active none 1.8
jetpack active none 7.2.1
mailchimp-for-woocommerce active none 2.1.15
mikado-core active none 1.1
revslider active none 5.4.8
taxjar-simplified-taxes-for-woocommerce active none 2.1.0
woocommerce active none 3.5.7
woo-variation-gallery active available 1.1.23
wc-frontend-manager active available 6.0.0
wc-multivendor-marketplace active available 3.0.0
wc-multivendor-membership active available 2.4.2
woocommerce-gateway-paypal-express-checkout active none 1.6.10
woocommerce-services active none 1.19.0
woocommerce-square inactive none 1.0.35
woocommerce-gateway-stripe active none 4.1.15
js_composer active available 5.5.2
wp-mail-logging active available 1.8.5
wp-super-cache active none 1.6.4
yith-advanced-refund-system-for-woocommerce active none 1.0.8
advanced-cache.php dropin none

Manual Changes

Remove mc-multivendor-marketplace add product popup

/store-manager/setting -> Modules -> turn off "Popup Add Product"