2.0 is going to be a full rewrite, 1.0 won'nt have ANY bug fix anymore because I'm working on 2.0.
A software for automatically controlling minceraft server with support for plugins. tested on Centos7 with python2
1.download the latest release
2.unzip it and create a shell script named as start.sh
3.type your server start commands in the script (i suggest you write like this cd server && java -xxx
so you can put your server files in the server folder to organize the files easier)
4.install the requirments using pip install -r requirements.txt
5.you can start the server by typing python server.py
Plugins reside within plugins
folder, upon server startup, plugins will be automatically mounted. To write a plugin, you simply define the following functions in your plugin file.
All plugins will be executed in its own thread, thus there is no concern for I/O blocking, you can still use synchronous I/O functions if you wish.
Define a function named as onServerInfo(server, info) in your plugin file(for example plugin.py
Define a function named as onServerStartup(server) in your plugin file(for example plugin.py
Define a function named as onPlayerJoin(server, playername) or onPlayerLeave(server, playername),the playername variable is a string containing the name of which player is joining/leaving server
server.stop():stops the server
server.start():starts the server
server.send(string):send a string to server's STDIN,remember to add a '\n' to execute the command,use execute() if not necessary
server.execute(command):execute a command
server.say(data):a simple wrapper for the /tellraw @a
server.tell(player, text):a simple wrapper for the /tellraw
info.hour/info.min/info.sec:time of this line of log
info.sourceProcess:which process sent this message ,such as 'Server Thread/INFO'
info.isPlayer:if the message is sent by a player
info.player:which player sent this message
info.content:if the message is not sent by a player it will contain the message printed after the sourceProcess, if the message is sent by a player it will ONLY conain the message player sent such as hi
but not <chino_desu> hi
in game to reload the plugins
type MCDReload
in console to reload the plugins
this repo is currently maintained by chino_desu(minecraft id:chino_desu).
you can contact me by:
twitter: @chino_desu_
discord: chino_desu#8564