
Repository for the plugins

Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Repository of plugins for Lanceur 2

Here you can find all official plugins for Lanceur 2

How to publish on this repository

  • Create a package `.lpk``
  • Clone this repository
  • Add your package <my_package>.lpk into the repository plugins
  • Update the file toc.json
  • Create a PR

What to add in toc.json

    "name": "<name_of_plugin>",
    "description": "<small_description_of_the_plugin>",
    "url": "<relative_url_to_the_package_lpk>",
    "version": "<x.x.x>"

Automatise packing in solution

  1. Add a directory .build in your solution and add the script pack.ps1
  2. Edit the .csproj file like this:
<Target Name="PostBuild" AfterTargets="GetVersion">
    <Exec Command="powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned $(ProjectDir).build\pack.ps1 -name $(AssemblyName) -version $(VersionInfo) -output $(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)" />

<Target Name="GetVersion" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent">
    <GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="$(TargetPath)">
        <Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="AssemblyInfo" />
    <!--And use it after like any other variable:-->
    <Message Text="VersionInfo = $(VersionInfo)" Importance="high" />

Further information