
lightweight toolbox to manage MVVM pattern

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


These two libraries provides a lightweight toolbox to manage MVVM pattern and help a few to work with the views

MVVM toolkit


It contains some converters that implements System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter

  • BoolToVisibilityConverter: if the value is true Visibility.Visible is return; otherwise Visibility.Collapsed
  • InvertBoolConverter: if the value is true return false; otherwise returns true
  • StringToVisibilityConverter: is string is null or empty returns Visibility.Collapsed; otherwise returns Visibility.Visible


  • Provides simple implementations of System.Windows.Input.ICommand
  • Provides basic implementation of System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
  • ObservableCollectionExtensions provides some helpers to clear or refill an System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<T>
  • FrameworkElementExtensions provides some helpers to retreive the ViewModel from a View (that should be a System.Windows.FrameworkElement

Event aggregator

All the class that implements IEventHandler<TEventContext> can handle events provied to the EventAggregator

Here's a sample:

The source of the event (the class in charge of triggering the events

class EventSource
    public EventSource(EventAggregator aggregator)
        this.Aggregator = aggregator;
    public EventAggregator Aggregator
        get; private set;
    public void Publish(string message)

The class that handles the events triggered:

class EventHandler : IEventHandler<string>
    public EventHandler(EventAggregator aggregator)
    public string Value
        get; private set;
    public void HandleEvent(string context)
        this.Value = context;


Gives an implementation of IDataErrorInfo

First of all, define your model and specify ValidatableObject as a base object (Which derives from ObservableObject that implements INPC.

Next, specify in the constructor an implementation if IValidator that is in charge of the validation

 public class User : ValidatableObject
    private DateTime birthdate;
    private string name;
    public User()
        : base(new UserValidator())

    public DateTime Birthdate
        get { return this.birthdate; }
            this.birthdate = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.Birthdate);
    public string Name
        get { return this.name; }
            this.name = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.Name);

Here's an example of an implementation of IValidator for User

public class UserValidator : IValidator
    public string Error
        get { return "This instance is in error state"; }
    public void SetValidationLogic(ValidatableObject item)
        var user = item as User;
        user.AddValidationRule(() => user.Name
            , () => !user.Name.ToLower().StartsWith("r")
            , "This name starts with 'r', it is bad");

GUI toolkit

This library offers some wrapper to manage files and messgaes boxes. All these features are wrapped into Interfaces

File management

This interface has one implementation (Win32FileGui) using System.Windows.FormsFolderBrowserDialog and System.Windows.FormsOpenFileDialog:

public interface IFileManager
    bool? SelectDirectory(Action<string> action);
    bool? SelectFile(Action<string> action);
    bool? SelectFile(Action<string> action, FileManagerOptions options);
    bool? SelectFileToSave(Action<string> action, FileManagerOptions options);
    bool? SelectFileToSave(Action<string> action);

Message boxes

This interface has one implementation (WindowsMessageBox) using System.Windows.MessageBox

public interface INotifyUser
    void Asterisk(object message);
    void AsteriskFormat(string message, params object[] args);
    bool? CancelableQuestion(object message);
    bool? CancelableQuestionFormat(string message, params object[] args);
    void Error(object message);
    void ErrorFormat(string message, params object[] args);
    void Exclamation(object message);
    void ExclamationFormat(string message, params object[] args);
    void Hand(object message);
    void HandFormat(string message, params object[] args);
    void Information(object message);
    void InformationFormat(string message, params object[] args);
    void None(object message, string title);
    bool Question(object message);
    bool QuestionFormat(string message, params object[] args);
    void Stop(object message);
    void StopFormat(string message, params object[] args);
    void Warning(object message);
    void WarningFormat(string message, params object[] args);