
Generating Diffs between two HTML blocks

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Diffs two HTML blocks, and returns a meshing of the two that includes <ins> and <del> elements. The classes of these elements are ins.diffins for new code, del.diffdel for removed code, and del.diffmod and ins.diffmod for sections of code that have been changed.

For "special tags" (primarily style tags such as <em> and <strong>), ins.mod elements are inserted with the new styles.

Typescript port of htmldiff.net.

Fork of htmldiff-js. With the following changes:

  1. Typescript
  2. Expose options from the HTMLDiff class


npm install htmldiff-javascript


		<div id="oldHtml">
			<p>Some <em>old</em> html here</p>

		<div id="newHtml">
			<p>Some <b>new</b> html goes here</p>

		<div id="diffHtml"></div>
import HtmlDiff from 'htmldiff-javascript'

let oldHtml = document.getElementById('oldHtml')
let newHtml = document.getElementById('newHtml')
let diffHtml = document.getElementById('diffHtml')

diffHtml.innerHTML = HtmlDiff.execute(oldHtml.innerHTML, newHtml.innerHTML)


  • Convert everything to typescript
  • Add tests
  • Setup Publishing Pipeline