Memorable Journeys

Your personal tour guide.

Live Link

Memorable Journey is mobile-ready,user Friendly and also very secure.

  • Its a Single Page Website So its fast And Organised
  • It's fully Responsive With mobile Devices and tabs
  • Firebase is the authentication system for this website.
  • this site has a server site also....
  • mongodb tool is used for store data in this website.
  • JWT token is also implemented for secure data from unknown threads

This wonderful project made with

  • React.
  • React-router-dom.
  • Firebase.
  • Tailwind .
  • DaisyUi.
  • MambaUi
  • React-Hot-Toast.
  • React-Photo-View.
  • JWT Token.
  • Express Js.
  • varcel.
  • React-icons .
  • Carousel.


  • Here you can choose places for go on a tour
  • You can also add tourist places where you want to go. if its missing from here.
  • you can see others review about the place. where u are planning to go.
  • you can also add reviews about your recent tours.
  • You can delete or update your review from this website.
  • you get two different login options here (1)Login with email and password (2) Google
  • I use JWT token for review section so no one can see your personal information.
  • It has a Blog Section, here you can find most commonly ask questions.
  • This site has Private routes for better security...