
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Stuff I'm working on for CORE

  • Interactive notebooks for the curriculum
  • Game where student chooses interest rate policy
  • question + answer framework

Primarily using IPython widgets

Inflation Example Notebook


Inflation Game


  • when given a shock, player has to choose monetary policy to get back to equilibrium
  • currently needs aesthetic help + maybe more data for students to work with?

Question + Answer Framework Example


  • this is a standard framework that can be copy and pasted into any notebook
  • just change questions.csv to any csv in the same format
  • I might change this from csv to maybe JSON

Optimal Smoothing


  • This is a notebook that plots optimal consumption given two random shocks
  • not the most educational but does the job and can be used in class as ways to test students on consumption behaviour
  • doesn't work with discount rates or interest rates - I still have reservations about how interest rates work in the model, and I can't implement them in a way that outputs something that matches theory

Smoothing game


  • this is another interactive game where here a student is represented with ten periods and they must smooth their consumption throughout
  • initially they know their expected shocks and act accordingly
  • then at some point they hit an unexpected shock and they need to reevaluate
  • at the end they get to see what optimal consumer would do
  • again doesn't support discount rates, interest rates
  • and really needs better aesthetics / clearer data