Steps to run:

  1. Git Clone this repo
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. python
  4. Now Backend API is running

API DOCS: 2 endpoints

API Documentation

1. Picture Inference API

Endpoint: /api/inferpic

Method: POST

Description: This API endpoint accepts an image file, processes it, and returns the processed image.


The request should contain a file data with the key 'file'. The file should be an image with one of the following extensions: 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'.


If successful, the API will return the processed image file. If the request does not contain a file, or the file is empty, or the file is not an image, the API will return an error message with a 400 status code.

2. Inference API

Endpoint: /api/infer

Method: POST

Description: This API endpoint accepts an image file, processes it, and returns the keypoint coordinates.


The request should contain a file data with the key 'file'. The file should be an image with one of the following extensions: 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'.


If successful, the API will return a JSON object containing the keypoint coordinates. If the request does not contain a file, or the file is empty, or the file is not an image, the API will return an error message with a 400 status code.