
export snapshot to S3 and retore to workspace

Primary LanguageGo


Data-Mover is an automation tool to export volumesnapshot data generated by Velero snapshot copy from local storage system to remote object storage system. It could also import the data back when there is any disaster with local storage system.


git clone git@github.com:jibudata/data-mover.git

Build CLI

make build-cli


CLI Example


go run main.go --action backup --backupName wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f --namespace wordpress
=== Step 0. Create temporay namespace + dm-wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f
=== Step 1. Create new volumesnapshot in temporary namespace
name: velero-mysql-pv-claim-q6jgv, uid: 532b6050-1bd7-4a6f-abfc-1a900bb52fc1, pvc: mysql-pv-claim, content_name: snapcontent-532b6050-1bd7-4a6f-abfc-1a900bb52fc1
Deleted volumesnapshot: velero-mysql-pv-claim-q6jgv in namesapce wordpress
Created volumesnapshot: velero-mysql-pv-claim-q6jgv in dm-wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f
name: velero-wp-pv-claim-p4lhl, uid: ada383d6-c23d-48fc-93fd-cad20f863cf4, pvc: wp-pv-claim, content_name: snapcontent-ada383d6-c23d-48fc-93fd-cad20f863cf4
Deleted volumesnapshot: velero-wp-pv-claim-p4lhl in namesapce wordpress
Created volumesnapshot: velero-wp-pv-claim-p4lhl in dm-wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f
=== Step 2. Update volumesnapshot content to new volumesnapshot in temporary namespace
Update volumesnapshotcontent snapcontent-532b6050-1bd7-4a6f-abfc-1a900bb52fc1 to remove snapshot reference
Update volumesnapshotcontent snapcontent-ada383d6-c23d-48fc-93fd-cad20f863cf4 to remove snapshot reference
=== Step 3. Create pvc reference to the new volumesnapshot in temporary namespace
Created pvc mysql-pv-claim in dm-wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f
Created pvc wp-pv-claim in dm-wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f
=== Step 4. Recreate pvc to reference pv created in step 3
Get pvc mysql-pv-claim and pv pvc-7fb33118-02a7-42db-9b18-2ba2a88c1346
Patch pv pvc-7fb33118-02a7-42db-9b18-2ba2a88c1346 with retain option
Deleted pvc mysql-pv-claim
Update pv pvc-7fb33118-02a7-42db-9b18-2ba2a88c1346 to remove reference in dm-wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f
Update pv pvc-7fb33118-02a7-42db-9b18-2ba2a88c1346 to remove reference in dm-wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f
Create pvc mysql-pv-claim in dm-wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f with pv pvc-7fb33118-02a7-42db-9b18-2ba2a88c1346
Patch pv pvc-7fb33118-02a7-42db-9b18-2ba2a88c1346 with delete option
Get pvc wp-pv-claim and pv pvc-297cb6ad-322b-4a9a-80a8-e51057d0e28a
Patch pv pvc-297cb6ad-322b-4a9a-80a8-e51057d0e28a with retain option
Deleted pvc wp-pv-claim
Update pv pvc-297cb6ad-322b-4a9a-80a8-e51057d0e28a to remove reference in dm-wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f
Update pv pvc-297cb6ad-322b-4a9a-80a8-e51057d0e28a to remove reference in dm-wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f
Create pvc wp-pv-claim in dm-wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f with pv pvc-297cb6ad-322b-4a9a-80a8-e51057d0e28a
Patch pv pvc-297cb6ad-322b-4a9a-80a8-e51057d0e28a with delete option
=== Step 5. Create pod with pvc created in step 4
build stage pod wordpress-589f976cd5-vbj5z
build stage pod wordpress-mysql-d9b8d8884-9g4r5
pod stage-wordpress-589f976cd5-vbj5z-d4zg7 status Pending
pod stage-wordpress-mysql-d9b8d8884-9g4r5-xzr8r status Pending
pod stage-wordpress-589f976cd5-vbj5z-d4zg7 status Pending
pod stage-wordpress-mysql-d9b8d8884-9g4r5-xzr8r status Running
pod stage-wordpress-589f976cd5-vbj5z-d4zg7 status Pending
pod stage-wordpress-mysql-d9b8d8884-9g4r5-xzr8r status Running
pod stage-wordpress-589f976cd5-vbj5z-d4zg7 status Pending
pod stage-wordpress-mysql-d9b8d8884-9g4r5-xzr8r status Running
pod stage-wordpress-589f976cd5-vbj5z-d4zg7 status Pending
pod stage-wordpress-mysql-d9b8d8884-9g4r5-xzr8r status Running
pod stage-wordpress-589f976cd5-vbj5z-d4zg7 status Running
pod stage-wordpress-mysql-d9b8d8884-9g4r5-xzr8r status Running
=== Step 6. Invoke velero to backup the temporary namespace using file system copy
Get velero backup plan wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f
Created velero backup plan generate-backup-kql6f


go run main.go --action restore --backupName wp-backup-snap-76mxp-hzb2f --namespace wordpress
=== Step 1. Get filesystem copy backup
=== Step 2. Delete namespace
=== Step 3. Invoke velero to restore the temporary namespace to given namespace
Created velero restore plan generate-restore-ppdmp
=== Step 4. Delete pod in given namespace
Deleted pod stage-wordpress-589f976cd5-vbj5z-d4zg7
Deleted pod stage-wordpress-mysql-d9b8d8884-9g4r5-xzr8r
=== Step 5. Invoke velero to restore original namespace
Created velero restore plan generate-restore-tfqhz

Use CR

Other backup solution can use CR for API level integration with data mover, below are CR details.

VeleroExport CR Spec
Param Type Supported value Description
VeleroBackupRef *corev1.ObjectReference name: xxx, namespace: xxx Object reference of Velero backup which backup the namespaces using snapshot copy method
IncludedNamespaces []string Any Volumesnapshots in the namespaces will be exported
DataSourceMapping map[string]string Any DataSourceMapping is a map of pvc names to volumesnapshot names to be exported.
Policy ExportPolicy Retention: xx specify the veleroexport retention
VeleroExport Status
Status Description
StateInProgress Data export is in progress
StateFailed Data export is Failed
StateCompleted Data export is Completed
StateVeleroFailed Data export is Failed due to velero backup failure
VeleroImport CR Spec
Param Type Supported value Description
VeleroBackupRef *corev1.ObjectReference name: xxx, namespace: xxx Object reference of Velero backup which backup the namespaces using snapshot copy method
NamespaceMapping map[string]string any
VeleroImport Status
Status Description
StateInProgress Data import is in progress
StateFailed Data import is failed
StateCompleted Data import is completed
StateVeleroFailed Data import is failed due to velero backup failure