Local Builds
Get Assembly Product Version and show it on home page
Install NerdBank.GitVersioning
// global dotnet tool install -g nbgv // or as tool dotnet tool install --tool-path . nbgv
For this example i'm installing it globally.
Initialize nvgb into your repo.
nbgv install
Rebuild your project.
execute to get-version
nbgv get-version
You''ll see similar info below:
Version: AssemblyVersion: AssemblyInformationalVersion: 1.0.1-beta+2a959231cf NuGetPackageVersion: 1.0.1-beta-g2a959231cf NpmPackageVersion: 1.0.1-beta.g2a959231cf
Note: AssemblyInformationalVersion = semver + GitCommitID(short) Which is what we want to print on our apps homepage.
If you run the app on Release mode, you'll see the AssemblyInformationalVersion on homepage.
With this info we can confirm on app what build is running.
Cloud Builds
Now time to move our app to the cloud, on azure devops create a new pipeline.
Make sure shallow fetch is disabled or else nbgv will fail to execute. I find this setting quite tricky and this might save you the time and effort.
Edit pipeline -> click options (on right handside) ->
triggers -> YAML-> Get sources -> untick Shallow fetch -> click Save and Queue -
Pipeline runs and artifacts should now have the semver.
Managing Release Version
As you have noticed, our semver has 'BETA'. What if we reached the point where we are ready to for a stable release? Good thing nbgv has it covered for us too. On master branch.
nbgv prepare-release
This will create a new branch for release (eg: v1.0.2) Increment our semver on master branch (eg: v1.0.3-beta)
We can then use the new branch for release to run builds for deployment and go on development with the incremented semver master branch.
Written with StackEdit.