
Javascript sound effects generator.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Quick 'n' easy game sound effects generator.

A port of sfxr: http://www.drpetter.se/project_sfxr.html to HTML5.



You can use the sounds you make with sfxr in your game code.

Include the scripts in your page:

<script src="https://sfxr.me/riffwave.js"></script>

<script src="https://sfxr.me/sfxr.js"></script>

Once you find a nice sound, click the Serialize button and copy the JSON code for the sound:

var sound = {
  "oldParams": true,
  "wave_type": 1,
  "p_env_attack": 0,
  "p_env_sustain": 0.31718502829007483,
  "p_env_punch": 0,
  "p_env_decay": 0.2718540993592685,
  "p_base_freq": 0.26126191208337196,
  "p_freq_limit": 0,
  "p_freq_ramp": 0.43787689856926615,
  "p_freq_dramp": 0,
  "p_vib_strength": 0,
  "p_vib_speed": 0,
  "p_arp_mod": 0,
  "p_arp_speed": 0,
  "p_duty": 1,
  "p_duty_ramp": 0,
  "p_repeat_speed": 0.7558565452384385,
  "p_pha_offset": 0,
  "p_pha_ramp": 0,
  "p_lpf_freq": 1,
  "p_lpf_ramp": 0,
  "p_lpf_resonance": 0,
  "p_hpf_freq": 0,
  "p_hpf_ramp": 0,
  "sound_vol": 0.25,
  "sample_rate": 44100,
  "sample_size": 8

var s = new SoundEffect(sound).generate();
// returns a webaudio object if supported, or an Audio object

You can also use the short URL compressed version of the sound:

var s = new SoundEffect("5EoyNVSymuxD8s7HP1ixqdaCn5uVGEgwQ3kJBR7bSoApFQzm7E4zZPW2EcXm3jmNdTtTPeDuvwjY8z4exqaXz3NGBHRKBx3igYfBBMRBxDALhBSvzkF6VE2Pv").generate();

You can also access an array of samples if you want to use the WebAudio API to play the sound:


There is example code for using the WebAudio API on lines 55 and 81 of the index.html file.


Application: http://github.grumdrig.com/jsfxr/

Source code: https://github.com/grumdrig/jsfxr/


riffwave.js: http://www.codebase.es/riffwave/

jquery-ui: http://jqueryui.com/