
Example flux manifests for eksctl gitops


EKS Quickstart App Dev

This repo contains an initial set of cluster components to be installed and configured by eksctl through GitOps.



A running EKS cluster with IAM policies for:

  • ALB ingress
  • auto-scaler
  • CloudWatch

Here is a sample ClusterConfig manifest that shows how to enable these policies.

N.B.: policies are configured at node group level. Therefore, depending on your use-case, you may want to:

  • add these policies to all node groups,
  • add node selectors to the ALB ingress, auto-scaler and CloudWatch pods, so that they are deployed on the nodes configured with these policies.

How to access workloads

For security reasons, this quickstart profile does not expose any workload publicly. However, should you want to access one of the workloads, various solutions are possible.


You could port-forward into a pod, so that you (and only you) could access it locally.

For example, for demo/podinfo:


You could expose a service publicly, at your own risks, via ALB ingress.

N.B.: the ALB ingress controller requires services:

  • to be of NodePort type,
  • to have the following annotations:
      kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb
      alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing

NodePort services

For any NodePort service:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: ${name}
  namespace: ${namespace}
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    app: ${service-app-selector}
    - http:
          - path: /*
              serviceName: ${service-name}
              servicePort: 80

A few minutes after deploying the above Ingress object, you should be able to see the public URL for the service:

$ kubectl get ingress --namespace demo podinfo
NAME      HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                     PORTS   AGE
podinfo   *       xxxxxxxx-${namespace}-${name}-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx.${region}.elb.amazonaws.com   80      1s

HelmRelease objects

For HelmRelease objects, you would have to configure spec.values.service and spec.values.ingress, e.g. for demo/podinfo:

apiVersion: helm.fluxcd.io/v1
kind: HelmRelease
  name: podinfo
  namespace: demo
  releaseName: podinfo
    git: https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo
    ref: 3.0.0
    path: charts/podinfo
      enabled: true
      type: NodePort
      enabled: true
        kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb
        alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
      path: /*

N.B.: the above HelmRelease

  • changes the type of podinfo's service from its default value, ClusterIP, to NodePort,
  • adds the annotations required for the ALB ingress controller to expose the service, and
  • exposes all of podinfo's URLs, so that all assets can be served over HTTP.

A few minutes after deploying the above HelmRelease object, you should be able to see the following Ingress object, and the public URL for podinfo:

$ kubectl get ingress --namespace demo podinfo
NAME      HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                             PORTS   AGE
podinfo   *       xxxxxxxx-demo-podinfo-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx.${region}.elb.amazonaws.com   80      1s

Securing your endpoints

For a production-grade deployment, it's recommended to secure your endpoints with SSL. See Ingress annotations for SSL.

Any sensitive service that needs to be exposed must have some form of authentication. To add authentication to Grafana for e.g., see Grafana configuration. To add authentication to other components, please consult their documentation.

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