An ultra-fast solver for Laplacian systems of linear equations.
- Maven 3
- Java 7
- gcc 4.8 or clang equivalent
- Mac OS X 10.8 or a recent Linux installation
- Matlab 2014a to use from Matlab
- Python 2.7.5 to use Python bindings
Run "mvn install" to:
- Compile Java/C code (called via JNI)
- Create a JAR file for use with Matlab and other projects
- Generate a Python package with bindings (located in the python/ directory)
To use from Matlab, run "init" from this directory.
How to prepare LapSolver on OS X:
1) Install JDK7+ from Oracle's website
2) Set $JAVA_HOME to the JDK8 directory
You can do this by adding:
> export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home`
to ~/.profile
3) Using Homebrew or Macports, install Maven
4) ** optional ** Using Homebrew or Macports, install GCC 4.8+
5) From the top level folder, run:
> mvn install
For Matlab:
1) Requires R2014a, or an earlier version equipped with JDK7+
For Python (Anaconda):
1) Install jpype — this requires modifying the included
The default setupMacOSX function should begin:
def setupMacOSX(self):
self.javaHome = '{{VALUE OF JAVA_HOME}}'
self.jdkInclude = "darwin"
2) python install
3) import lapsolver!