Welcome to Team 8's Potato Rooms Repo!

Created for CS302 IT Solution Development, PotatoRooms is a microservice-based web application that enables event organizers to easily find and book venues for their events.

This project consists of 7 different microservices: Rooms, Customers, Bookings, Room-Booking (composite), User Interface (composite), Notifications & Stripe (composite). This way, the application is highly decoupled and it is also easier to insert new functionalities in future.

Setting up the DB:

  1. Ensure that your MAMP/WAMP is on.
  2. Create a user cs302 with password cs302 using phpmyadmin.
  3. Create a connection with host localhost and port 3306, user cs302, password cs302.
  4. Load the merged.merged.sql file into mySQL

Running the services locally on DockerCompose:

Make sure you are in the projects (root) directory docker compose up -d --build

When you are done running the services:
docker compose down

Using Waitress as a WSGI server for atomic services:

Atomic Services: Rooms, Customers, Bookings
Composite Services: Room-Bookings, Stripe, User Interface

cd src
pip install waitress
waitress-serve --port <service port number> <service flask file name>:app

So for example if running for rooms ->
waitress-serve --port 30000 app:app

Accessing the UI:

To access our UI -> http://localhost:8081
To access rooms -> http://localhost:30000/rooms
To access customers -> http://localhost:31000/customer
To access bookings -> http://localhost:32000/bookings
To access stripe -> http://localhost:4242


To check if notification is sent:

  1. Go to project_notifications_1 container.
  2. Look at the logs.
  3. If success, it will print successful and the email.