
roster of lexdao strike squad for web3 hackathons

MIT LicenseMIT

Strike Squad

roster of lexdao strike squad for web3 hackathons

Name Ethereum Address Role
Scott Stevenson 0x130093A5aEbc07e78e16f0EcEF09d1c45AfD8178 Protocol Architect
Adam Kerpelman 0xa3564677FC4907A15c9A7EAe1DBc1ae9aC57b8E1 Community Druid
Bill Warren 0x7136fbDdD4DFfa2369A9283B6E90A040318011Ca Blockchain Wizard
Ross Campbell 0x1C0Aa8cCD568d90d61659F060D1bFb1e6f855A20 Blockchain Wizard
Lawrence Lau 0x590D24003D5Ec516502db08E01421ba56a5cd611 Privacy Rogue

Current Squabbles

  1. HackFS 6Jul - 6Aug = Scott (lead), Lawrence (support), Bill?, Ross? - persistent evidentory storage Working group setup at Web3vm Discord. Narrowing down an IPFS-centric solution integrating Filecoin and Ethereum integration and likely NFT tokens in a Crytpovoxel demo and a web2-facing UI. Will look for ways to take advantage of 'senc' integration for encryption and decryption of messages.

  2. DAO Hack Month 6Jul - 19Jul = Lawrence (lead) - AuthorNym (anonymous global penNames using hierarchical deterministic walets

  3. Arweave Incubator 1Jul - 12Aug = Audssy ((proposed) - LexART, possibly bootstrap LexCORP

Squad Objectives

  • promote Legal Engineering (and LexDAO as club for such)
  • specific skillsets pertinent to legal technologist tooling
  • tagline common law = cultural lore ⋂ commercial lures