
C# - MVC web application with user authentication, authorization and many-to-many relationship

Primary LanguageC#

🍭 Pierre's Sweet and Savory Treats

Advanced Databases and Authentication Independence Project, 27 March 2020

By Jieun Kang


A MVC web application with user authentication, authorization, and many-to-many relationship. Authentication lets the a user be able to log in ang log out, authoriztion lets the only logged in user be able to access create, update, and delete functionality. Program have many-to-many relationship between Treat and Flavors, so a treat can have many flavors, and vice versa.

Behavior Driven Development Specifications

Behavior(Spec) Input Output
1 Upon launching the application, user sees homepage http://localhost:5000 Splash Page
2 All users can read lists all treats and flavors that currently exist Click Flavors in the navigation bar Display a list of all treats
3 All users can click on an individual treat or flavor to see all the treats or flavors that belong to it Click sweet Treats that belong to sweet flavor
  • chocolate
  • croissants
  • cheesecake
  • 4 Only logged in users can have create, update and delete functionality Click Add New Flavor
  • Name: creamy
  • Treat(Dropdown): pudding
  • Flavors
  • ...
  • creamy

  • Setup/Installation

    🔸 Installing C# and .NET

    🔸 Installing and Configuring MySQL

    Follow the installation instructions below to installing MySQL Community Server and MySQL Workbench


    1. Download from the MySQL Community Server Page (Use the No thanks, just start my download link.)
    2. Download from the MySQL Workbench Page (Use the No thanks, just start my download link.)
    3. Configure ternminal by opening terminal and entering the command:
      echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
      source ~/.bash_profile
    4. Verity MySQL installation
      $ mysql -uroot -pYOURPASSWORD

    Windows 10

    1. Download the MySQL Web Installer (Use the No thanks, just start my download link.)
    2. Add the MySQL environment variable to the System PATH.
      • Open the Control Panel and visit System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables...
      • Then select PATH..., click Edit..., then Add.
      • Add the exact location of your MySQL installation, and click OK.
    3. Add the exact location of your MySQL installation, and click OK.
    4. Verity MySQL installation by opening terminal and entering the command:
      $ mysql -uroot -pYOURPASSWORD

    🔸 Re-create the database

    Using MySQL:

    $ mysql -uroot -pYOURPASSWORD
    mysql> CREATE DATABASE `jieun_kang`;
    mysql> USE `jieun_kang`; 
    mysql> CREATE TABLE `Flavors` (
        `FlavorId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `FlavorName` longtext,
        `UserId` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`FlavorId`),
        KEY `IX_Flavors_UserId` (`UserId`),
        CONSTRAINT `FK_Flavors_AspNetUsers_UserId` FOREIGN KEY (`UserId`) REFERENCES `aspnetusers` (`Id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT);
    mysql> CREATE TABLE `Treats` (
        `TreatId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `TreatName` longtext,
        `UserId` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`TreatId`),
        KEY `IX_Treats_UserId` (`UserId`),
        CONSTRAINT `FK_Treats_AspNetUsers_UserId` FOREIGN KEY (`UserId`) REFERENCES `aspnetusers` (`Id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT);
    mysql> CREATE TABLE `TreatFlavors` (
        `TreatFlavorId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `TreatId` int(11) NOT NULL,
        `FlavorId` int(11) NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`TreatFlavorId`),
        KEY `IX_TreatFlavors_FlavorId` (`FlavorId`),
        KEY `IX_TreatFlavors_TreatId` (`TreatId`),
        CONSTRAINT `FK_TreatFlavors_Flavors_FlavorId` FOREIGN KEY (`FlavorId`) REFERENCES `flavors` (`FlavorId`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
        CONSTRAINT `FK_TreatFlavors_Treats_TreatId` FOREIGN KEY (`TreatId`) REFERENCES `treats` (`TreatId`) ON DELETE CASCADE);

    Import from the Cloned Repository

    1. Launch MySQL Workbench and open the [Navigator] window.
    2. In the [Navigator > Administration] window, select [Data Import/Restore].
    3. In [Import Options] select [Import from Self-Contained File].
    4. Under [Default Schema to be Imported To], select the [New] button. Enter the name of database "jieun_kang"
    5. Click [Start Import].    

    🔸 Run this project

    1. Clone this project
      • $ cd desktop
      • $ git clone https://github.com/jieunkang-101/SweetSavory.Solution
      • $ cd SweetSavory.Solution
    2. Add Dependencies for Entity Framework Core
      • $ cd SweetSavory
      • $ dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore -v 2.2.0
      • $ dotnet add package Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql -v 2.2.0
    3. Run this MVC application

    Technologies Used


    This webpage is licensed under the MIT license

    Copyright (c) 2020 Jieun Kang