
🔧 A clean, elegant but advanced blog theme for Hugo 一个简洁、优雅且高效的 Hugo 主题

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

FixIt Theme | Hugo

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub commits since tagged version Hugo License

English README | 简体中文说明

FixIt is a clean, elegant but advanced blog theme for Hugo.

It is based on the original LoveIt Theme, LeaveIt Theme and KeepIt Theme.

LoveIt Theme is a awesome hugo theme for us, I'm sorry that it's repository has been out of maintenance for a long time, so I rebuilt a new fork named FixIt so that I can better Fix It and make it more user-friendly.

The FixIt theme inherits the excellent functions of these themes, and adds new functions and optimizations on this basis. Please read Why Choose FixIt to learn more.

Hugo Theme FixIt

Getting started

Head to this documentation page for a complete guidence to get started with the FixIt theme.

To see this theme in action, here is a live demo site which is rendered with FixIt theme.

Build Documentation Locally:

hugo server --source=exampleSite

Of course, you can also read the FixIt wiki directly.

Migrate from LoveIt

If you are currently using the LoveIt theme (or some other themes), it is very easy to migrate to FixIt.

You can add this repo as a submodule of your site directory.

git submodule add https://github.com/Lruihao/FixIt.git themes/FixIt

And later you can update the submodule in your site directory to the latest commit using this command:

git submodule update --remote --merge

Or use shell command fixit_checker.sh to update and commit in the theme directory.

sh fixit_checker.sh

Next, go to the config.toml and change the default theme to FixIt.

- theme = "LoveIt"
+ theme = "FixIt"

Now the migration is finished and everything is ready 🎉

Why choose FixIt

  • Custom Header (sub-menu supported)
  • Custom CSS Style
  • A new home page, compatible with the latest version of Hugo
  • A lot of style detail adjustments, including color, font size, margins, code preview style
  • More readable dark mode
  • Some beautiful CSS animations
  • Easy-to-use and self-expanding table of contents
  • More social links, share sites and comment system
  • Search supported by Lunr.js or algolia
  • Copy code to clipboard with one click
  • Extended Markdown syntax for Font Awesome icons
  • Extended Markdown syntax for ruby annotation
  • Extended Markdown syntax for fraction
  • Mathematical formula supported by KaTeX
  • Diagram syntax shortcode supported by mermaid
  • Interactive data visualization shortcode supported by ECharts
  • Mapbox shortcode supported by Mapbox GL JS
  • Embedded music player supported by APlayer and MetingJS
  • Bilibili player supported
  • Kinds of admonitions shortcode supported
  • Custom style shortcodes supported
  • CDN for all third-party libraries supported
  • PWA (Progressive Web App) supported
  • Web Watermark supported by cell-watermark
  • Chinese typesetting supported by pangu.js
  • Card type link shortcode
  • Friends page embedded template
  • ...

In short,
if you prefer the design language and freedom of the FixIt theme,
if you want to use the extended Font Awesome icons conveniently,
if you want to embed mathematical formulas, flowcharts, music or Bilibili videos in your posts,
the FixIt theme may be more suitable for you.


Performance and SEO

  • Optimized for performance: 99/100 on mobile and 100/100 on desktop in Google PageSpeed Insights
  • Optimized SEO performance with a correct SEO SCHEMA based on JSON-LD
  • Google Analytics supported
  • Fathom Analytics supported
  • Search engine verification supported (Google, Bind, Yandex and Baidu)
  • CDN for third-party libraries supported
  • Automatically converted images with Lazy Load by lazysizes

Appearance and Layout

  • Responsive layout
  • Light/Dark mode
  • Globally consistent design language
  • Pagination supported
  • Easy-to-use and self-expanding table of contents
  • Multilanguage supported and i18n ready
  • Beautiful CSS animation

Social and Comment Systems

  • Gravatar supported by Gravatar
  • Local Avatar supported
  • Up to 73 social links supported
  • Up to 28 share sites supported
  • Disqus comment system supported by Disqus
  • Gitalk comment system supported by Gitalk
  • Valine comment system supported by Valine
  • Waline comment system supported by Waline
  • Facebook comments system supported by Facebook
  • Telegram comments system supported by Telegram Comments
  • Commento comment system supported by Commento
  • Utterances comment system supported by Utterances
  • Artalk comment system supported by Artalk
  • Twikoo comment system supported by Twikoo

Extended Features

  • Search supported by Lunr.js or algolia
  • Twemoji supported
  • Automatically highlighting code
  • Copy code to clipboard with one click
  • Images gallery supported by lightgallery.js
  • Extended Markdown syntax for Font Awesome icons
  • Extended Markdown syntax for ruby annotation
  • Extended Markdown syntax for fraction
  • Mathematical formula supported by KaTeX
  • Diagrams shortcode supported by mermaid
  • Interactive data visualization shortcode supported by ECharts
  • Mapbox shortcode supported by Mapbox GL JS
  • Music player shortcode supported by APlayer and MetingJS
  • Bilibili player shortcode
  • Kinds of admonitions shortcode
  • Custom style shortcode
  • Custom script shortcode
  • Animated typing supported by TypeIt
  • Cookie consent banner supported by cookieconsent
  • PWA (Progressive Web App) supported
  • Web Watermark supported by cell-watermark
  • Chinese typesetting supported by pangu.js
  • Card type link shortcode
  • Friends page embedded template
  • ...

Multilingual and i18n

FixIt supports the following languages:

Questions, ideas, bugs, pull requests

All feedback is welcome! Head over to the issue tracker.


FixIt is licensed under the MIT license. Check the LICENSE file for details.

Thanks to the authors of following resources included in the theme:

