
My Arch+Bspwm dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

My ArchLinux&Bspwm Config











  • Dracula GTK Theme: Ant Dracula

  • Nord GTK Theme: Nordic

  • Terminal: Dracula: xterm Nord: termite(suggested)

  • Audio output emulator: cava

  • Message notifier: dunst

  • Editor: vim(with vim-plus), nano

    The icons for different file types need your terminal font is a nerd font to display.

  • File browser: ranger

  • System monitor: gotop

  • System information: pfetch

  • Bar: polybar

    About dracula polybar, I customized Material Polybar

    About nord polybar, I customized Nord Polybar

  • Program start menu: rofi

  • Compton:

    if you use Dracula theme, please install compton-tryone-git

    if you use Nord or MacBigSlur theme, please install picom-jonaburg-git

  • Lock: i3lock(with blur and a lock png) ffmpeg xautolock

  • Wallpaper Manage: feh and nitrogen

  • Font: Droid Sans Mono Nerd Font:size=13 (noto-fonts-complete powerline-fonts needed)

    If you use the Dracula theme, in order to display the icon font, you should install nerd-fonts-complete

    If you use the Nord or MacBigSur theme, in order to display the icon font, you should install ttf-font-awesome , otf-font-awesome and ttf-dejavu

  • Shell: zsh(with oh-my-zsh)

About Nord polybar:

How to start the nord polybar :

  1. backup your old polybar config
  2. cp -r bspwm-dotfiles/nord/polybar ~/.config/
  3. sh ~/.config/polybar/launch.sh

You will get a lot of errors and warnings if you launch it for the first time.

  1. About icon: You should install ttf-font-awesome , otf-font-awesome(to display workspace and status icons), ttf-dejavu(to display three mac like icons in the left-top corner) and noto-fonts-emoji(to display wttr.in weather emoji). You can see all of fonts used in dark-config file

  2. About audio control: You should install pulseaudio and pulseaudio-ctl

  3. If you get warn like this: "warn: Dropping unmatched character ️ (U+fe0f)"

    Don't worry, it doesn't matter. It caused by the wttr.in emoji. In fact, the weather icon has been displayed correctly if you have installed the noto-fonts-emoji.

  4. If the polybar doesn't appear, please modify the monitor name in dark-config to your monitor name. The correct value can use xrandr command to get.

File structure:

  1. dark-colors: define all nordic color used
  2. dark-config: two bars config, about fonts used and directly control bar behavior
  3. nord-config: define global settings constant like monitor name, width, height, offset and other settings. define two bars modules used(there are many unused modules)
  4. nord-top: define modules needed in top bar
  5. nord-down: define modules needed in bottom bar

More details you can look the original nord polybar: Nord Polybar



i3lock's config: (About autolock's details, please look the bspwmrc)


You should install i3lock-color

sudo cp lock/lock.sh /usr/bin/lock && cp lock/wallpaper.png ~/Pictures/Background


I use wttr.in to get weather, so you'd better add follow lines in your /etc/hosts to solve the problem of DNS resolution

# wttr.in wttr.in

You should change the city in polybar/script/weather-bar.sh to your city to get correct weather.

If you encounter a problem like this:


Please make sure you have connected to the Internet, then

sh ~/.config/polybar/launch.sh