
Cyberpunk Twitter Bot

Primary LanguagePython


Cyberpunk Twitter Bot - live version available at: @Cyberpunk_Me


Tweet "@cyberpunk_me" with the text "cyberpunk me" and the bot generates a cyberpunk avatar using your Twitter profile picture.


You will need to install tweepy and Pillow.

You will need to create an app account on Twitter: [instructions here]

  1. Sign in with your Twitter account
  2. Create a new app account
  3. Modify the settings for that app account to allow read & write
  4. Generate a new OAuth token with those permissions
  5. Manually edit this script and put those tokens in the script


Once you edit the bot script to provide the necessary API keys, you can run the bot on the command line:

$ python CyberpunkMe_Public.py


This bot could be forked to create any kind of image overlay Twitter bot - the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.