Lei Mao
gRPC is a modern open source high performance RPC framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking and authentication. It is also applicable in last mile of distributed computing to connect devices, mobile applications and browsers to backend services. The official gRPC tutorial mainly uses make
to compile and its CMake
compile system is no longer working.
In this repository, I implemented gRPC C++ examples using CMake with the best practice. I also put code comments as many as possible to make sure the code is human readable and easy to understand. Currently CMake only officially support Protobuf but not gRPC. The FindGPRC module for CMake was borrowed. Once CMake officially support gRPC, I will update this repository accordingly.
- gRPC 1.20
- Google Protocol Buffers 3.7.0
- CMake 3.14.4+
├── cmake
│ └── FindGRPC.cmake
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── docker
│ └── grpc.Dockerfile
├── grpc
│ ├── arithmetics
│ │ ├── arithmetics_client.cc
│ │ ├── arithmetics_server.cc
│ │ └── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ └── greetings
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── greetings_client.cc
│ └── greetings_server.cc
├── LICENSE.md
├── protos
│ ├── arithmetics.proto
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ └── greetings.proto
└── README.md
$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
All the executable files would be generated in build/bin
In one terminal,
$ ./bin/arithmetics_server
Server listening on
In another terminal,
$ ./bin/arithmetics_client
Please enter your binary arithmetic expression:
300 + 200
gRPC returned:
Please enter your binary arithmetic expression:
300 - 200
gRPC returned:
Please enter your binary arithmetic expression:
300 * 200
gRPC returned:
Please enter your binary arithmetic expression:
300 / 200
gRPC returned:
Please enter your binary arithmetic expression:
In one terminal,
$ ./bin/greetings_server
Server listening on
In another terminal,
$ ./bin/greetings_client
Please enter your user name:
Lei Mao
gRPC returned:
Hello Lei Mao!
Please enter your user name:
Michael Jordan
gRPC returned:
Hello Michael Jordan!
Please enter your user name:
Kobe Bryant
gRPC returned:
Hello Kobe Bryant!
Please enter your user name:
Users may also use the gRPC Dockerfile provided to create a Docker container to reproduce.