
Yet another attempt at designing the popular game of chess, in ruby of course.

Primary LanguageRuby

## Windows Setup for checking out fundoo-chess from git hub

* install putty: complete windows installer from not just putty.exe

* install msysgit from http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/
  * installer instructions:
  * select all options under: Windows Explorer integeration
  * select "Run Git and included Unix tools....."
  * select "Use PLink"

* mkdir c:\dev\
* cd c:\dev
* git clone git://github.com/jigargosar/fundoo-chess.git
* cd fundoo-chess
* run idea project file.

## Windows Setup for contributing to fundoo-chess

* create a git hub account.
* create a shh key pair using puttygen.exe
* add public key to your account.
* send me your user name so that I can add you to the project.